A universal networking toolbox supporting several protocols
NaiveSocks is an all-in-one networking tool operating at the transport layer.
It can serve as proxy server/client, port forwarder, DNS server/client, HTTP file server and more…
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GitHub Releases
Latest build on Appveyor
Run NaiveSocks.exe
in NaiveSocks_net45.zip/tar.gz
or NaiveSocks_SingleFile.exe
Run run.sh
or run.bat
in NaiveSocks_dotnetcore.zip/tar.gz
Install the latest stable version that bundled with .NET Core runtime for Linux x64:
nsocks_pack="https://github.com/hex11/Naive/releases/latest/download/NaiveSocks_dotnetcore_linux-x64.tar.gz" \
wget $nsocks_pack -O nsocks.tar.gz \
&& sudo tar xvf nsocks.tar.gz -C /opt/nsocks/ && sudo sh /opt/nsocks/install.sh
Ensure that the required .NET Core runtime is installed.
Install the latest stable version:
nsocks_pack="https://github.com/hex11/Naive/releases/latest/download/NaiveSocks_dotnetcore.tar.gz" \
# ...
Install the latest dev version:
nsocks_pack="https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/hex11/Naive/artifacts/bin%2Fupload%2FNaiveSocks_dotnetcore.tar.gz" \
# ...
Install NaiveSocksAndroid.apk and run.
docker run -it --network host -v $(pwd)/config:/app/config hex0011/naivesocks
See NaiveSocks/naivesocks-example.tml for example.
NaiveSocks finds the configuration file in the following paths, if no path specified by the command line argument -c
: HTTP server implementation and socket helpers
: A simple archiver that can bundle .NET Framework apps into a single excutable.
: A customized fork of the TOML library Nett