R port of Ruby's biodiversity scientific name parser
parses taxonomic names. It’s an R port of the Ruby gem biodiversity
You can use it as a library in Ruby, JRuby etc.
to fix capitalization in canonicals
ScientificNameParser.fix_case("QUERCUS (QUERCUS) ALBA")
# Output: Quercus (Quercus) alba
to parse a scientific name into a ruby hash
parser.parse("Plantago major")
to get json representation
to clean name up
parser.parse(" Plantago major ")[:scientificName][:normalized]
to get only cleaned up latin part of the name
parser.parse("Pseudocercospora dendrobii (H.C. Burnett) U. \
Braun & Crous 2003")[:scientificName][:canonical]
to get detailed information about elements of the name
parser.parse("Pseudocercospora dendrobii (H.C. Burnett 1883) U. \
Braun & Crous 2003")[:scientificName][:details]
Returned result is not always linear, if name is complex. To get simple linear
representation of the name you can use:
parser.parse("Pseudocercospora dendrobii (H.C. Burnett) \
U. Braun & Crous 2003")[:scientificName][:position]
# returns {0=>["genus", 16], 17=>["species", 26],
# 28=>["author_word", 32], 33=>["author_word", 40],
# 42=>["author_word", 44], 45=>["author_word", 50],
# 53=>["author_word", 58], 59=>["year", 63]}
# where the key is the char index of the start of
# a word, first element of the value is a semantic meaning
# of the word, second element of the value is the character index
# of end of the word
‘Surrogate’ is a broad group which includes ‘Barcode of Life’ names, and various
undetermined names with cf. sp. spp. nr. in them:
parser.parse("Coleoptera BOLD:1234567")[:scientificName][:surrogate]
To parse using several CPUs (4 seem to be optimal)
parser = ParallelParser.new
# ParallelParser.new(4) will try to run 4 processes if hardware allows
array_of_names = ["Betula alba", "Homo sapiens"....]
# Output: {"Betula alba" => {:scientificName...},
# "Homo sapiens" => {:scientificName...}, ...}
parallel parser takes list of names and returns back a hash with names as
keys and parsed data as values
To get canonicals with ranks for infraspecific epithets:
parser = ScientificNameParser.new(canonical_with_rank: true)
parser.parse('Cola cordifolia var. puberula \
A. Chev.')[:scientificName][:canonical]
# Output: Cola cordifolia var. puberula
To resolve lsid and get back RDF file