
Admin panel for Google App Engine NDB models


Admin panel for ndb.Model


Included live application to demonstrate admin UI.
I developed this admin panel for my own usage.

In this app Admin panel use twitter bootstrap CSS style.


All work is done inside your ndb.Model() model. Add Meta() class inside it,
where to be defined create/edit form fields and templates for list/new/edit/delete item(s).


class Meta():
    def __init__(self):
        self.fields = [
            fields.TextField("name", "Name", required=True),
            fields.BigTextField("description", "Description")

        # optional
        # templates, '/templates/admin/[model]/' path
    	self.c = "" # new item template
        self.r = "" # items list template
        self.u = "" # edit item template
        self.d = "" # delete item template

        # ordering
        order_by = ModelName.field_name


Admin UI use HTML 5 fields types and validation.

Now CRUD has next types of fields available to use:

  • TextField - input type text
  • BigTextField - input type textarea
  • CheckboxField - checkbox
  • CheckboxListField - list/group of checkboxes (useful for repeated NDB properties)
  • GeoField - input text for geo “lat, lon” comma separated pair
  • KeyField - select with list of objects for foreign key relations
  • ChoiceField - select with list of strings for choise values list
  • IntegerField - input type number (with spinner in most browsers)
  • MoneyField - input type text, styled with twitter bootstrap CSS
  • DateField - input type date
  • FloatField - input type text for displaying numbers with decimal point nicely
  • TextFileField - input type file

Fields options:

  • field - model field name
  • label - string with label for html elementh
  • initial - initial value
  • required - false by default
  • query - in choise and key fields indicate a list of values/options

Ordering items

To sort items in list add to Meta order_by field with the name of model’s field to sort by.


class Item(ndb.Model):
    name = ndb.StringProperty()

    class Meta():
        def __init__(self):
            self.order_by = Item.name


By default items in list paginated by 10 items per page. To change this,
add PER_PAGE variable in settings file.


  • Tests
  • Better documentation