📦 Just a Bootstrap Icons Picker for Angular
By Google Developers Group Valle d’Aosta
This icon picker manages the free, high quality, open source Bootstrap Icons library.
Angular Bootstrap Icons Picker for:
Versions compatibility:
Largely inspired by ngx-icon-picker
With Angular CLI
ng add ngx-bootstrap-icons-picker
Or with NPM
npm install ngx-bootstrap-icons-picker --save
import {NgxBootstrapIconsPickerModule} from "ngx-bootstrap-icons-picker";
// ...
imports: [
// ...
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<span class="input-group-text"><i class="bi bi-{{selectedIcon}}"></i></span>
<input type="text" class="form-control"
export class AppComponent {
selectedIcon:string = ''
this.selectedIcon = icon;
Available inputs and output :
[iconPicker] // The icon to select in the grid.
[bipWidth] // Use this option to set icon picker dialog width (default:'270px')
[bipHeight] // Use this option to force icon picker dialog height (default:'auto')
[bipMaxHeight] // Use this option to force icon picker dialog max-height (default:'180px')
[bipIconSize] // Set the icon size in the selector (default:'18px')
[bipIconVerticalPadding] // Set the top and bottom padding (default:'6px')
[bipIconHorizontalPadding] // Set the left and right button padding (default:'9px')
[bipKeepSearchFilter] // The search filter keep the value to filter (default:'false')
[bipPosition] // Dialog position: 'right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom'(default: 'bottom')
[bipFallbackIcon] // Is used when the icon is undefined (default:'github')
[bipPlaceHolder] // Search input placeholder (default:'Search icon..')
(iconPickerSelect) // Event on selected icon value change
To integrate the icon picker with another framework instead of bootstrap, you have to use the extra inputs:
[bipButtonStyleClass] // To override the bootstrap class for the button
[bipDivSearchStyleClass] // To override the bootstrap class for the div search
[bipInputSearchStyleClass] // To override the bootstrap class for the input search