Basic authorization middleware providing security to protected API. Require token passed in header, validate decrypted token information with secret and validate user existence in mocked data simulating database fetch).
This project shows how to implement middleware within NodeJS + Express server and how to build basic authorization middleware.
The objective is to support developers in how to build a complete flow applying auth concepts within NodeJS and apply NodeJS concepts too.
Basically we have an unprotected entry-point to validate user and provide token (login) in response, and one protected endpoint working under the middleware that expose content if authorized and authenticated, otherwise the response ends in validation.
The focus is not to work with database and interface - I have mocked an user simulating some database data in login route (/users/login
) that must be used to enter successfully the application.
With a valid token in hand (logged) you can request protected routes (/users/
) providing the key authorization and value Bearer [token_goes_here] in your request header. The middleware verify the token existence in header, extract it, validate it’s integrity with the secret used to generate it and validate user deciding if the request can go on or stop at this point, negating any contact.
1. CORS - Provide pre-configured access globally to origin, methods and headers for all requests (allowed in this app). Located at:
2. Authorization - Our authorization middleware properly, located at:
Another important point is that I’m using jsonwebtoken to generate and verify token. The token generation is based in a secret that I have saved as a js module located at:
You can test the authorization middleware providing a false token to protected API or providing wrong information to login, different from the mocked data. I have working API tests built in Postman that I have exported and saved under the folder:
Rodrigo Quiñones Pichioli, since Jan/2019