*DEPRECATED* Easy command-line executable utilities built on "nopt".
Easy command-line executable utilities built on nopt.
Node.js >= 0.10
is required. Type this at the command line:
npm install nopter --save-dev
Options are defined with config()
and serve as documentation for the help screen. The example below parses args and options from process.argv
, leaving any remaining args not consumed by options as input()._remain
#!/usr/bin/env node
var nopter = new (require("nopter"))();
title: "Image Compressor",
name: "imgc",
version: "1.0.0",
options: {
"compression": {
short: "c",
info: "Compression level (0–100, default=80).",
type: Number,
default: 80
"input": {
info: "Input image.",
type: require("path")
var args = nopter.input();
if (args.compression) console.log("Compression :: "+args.compression);
if (args.input) console.log("Input File :: "+args.input);
if (args._remain.length) console.log("Unparsed args :: "+args._remain);
Shorthand flags may be passed as a single arg, for example -abc
is equivalent to -a -b -c
. Multi-word options such as “–template-engine” are camel-cased, becoming input().templateEngine
etc. unless overridden with option.rename
For more ideas, check out the test fixture.
Via the help()
// app-cli.js ::::::::::::::::::::
var nopter = require("nopter");
function cli() {
this.nopter = new nopter();
this.nopter.config({/* See above example */});
cli.prototype.input = function(args, showArgs) {
var testing = !!args;
args = this.nopter.input(args);
if (testing && showArgs) return args;
if (args.compression) console.log("Compression :: "+args.compression);
if (args.input) console.log("Input File :: "+args.input);
module.exports = cli;
// test.js ::::::::::::::::::::
var appCLI = require("./app-cli.js");
var nopter = require("nopter");
function test1() {
var cli = new appCLI();
var options = cli.input("--input file1 --compression 100", true);
assert.equal(options.input, "path/to/file1");
assert.deepEqual(options, {compression:100, input:"path/to/file1"});
function test2() {
var cli = new appCLI();
var helpScreen = nopter.util.readHelpFile("./help.txt");
helpScreen = nopter.util.replaceColorVars(helpScreen);
assert.equal( cli.input("--help"), helpScreen );
For more ideas, check out the test suite.
Gets or sets the configuration.
[optional].Merges a new configuration with the existing one.
[optional].Gets a (red) colored error message with a default "Error"
prefix, but does not display/log it.
can be an Error
or String
. If an Error
, error.name
will override the default prefix.additional
[optional] is a second, uncolored String
[optional] overrides the default prefix.Gets an uncolored error message with a default "Notice"
prefix, but does not display/log it.
See error.fatal for arguments info.
Gets a (yellow) colored error message with a default "Warning"
prefix, but does not display/log it.
See error.fatal for arguments info.
Gets the help screen, but does not display/log it.
Gets the indent value for custom additions to the help screen.
Gets user input parsed by nopt.
nopter.input(process.argv, 2); // same as above
nopter.input("app --option value", 1);
[optional] can be an Array
or String
. Default value is process.argv
[optional] is a Number
. See nopt docs. Unlike nopt, the default value of 2
only applies when args===process.argv
; otherwise the default value is 0
.Forces colors in situations where they would normally be disabled such as a child_process
and some CI (Continuous Integration) systems. Due to the singleton design of the color library, this value applies to all nopter instances. Colors are not forced by default.
[optional] is a Boolean
. If undefined
, it will default to true
.Synchronously reads the contents of a text file and converts to LF line endings for cross-platform support. Useful in testing the output of help()
console.log( nopter.util.readHelpFile("path/to/file.txt") );
//-> This is a text file.
is a required String
path, relative to the current module (like require("./")
).Replace easy-to-read variables in a String
with their ANSI counterparts. Useful in testing the output of help()
var str = "{{green}}This is a {{bold}}colored{{/bold}} sentence.{{/green}}";
console.log( nopter.util.replaceColorVars(str) );
//-> \u001b[32mThis is a \u001b[1mcolored\u001b[22m sentence.\u001b[39m
is a required String
. Possible color variables.Remove all ANSI characters. Useful in testing the output of help()
var str = "\u001b[32mThis is a \u001b[1mcolored\u001b[22m sentence.\u001b[39m";
console.log( nopter.util.stripColors(str) );
//-> This is a colored sentence.
is a required String
.Type: Array
Default value: ["red","green","magenta"]
The colors used in the help screen. Possible color values, [null,…]
to disable a color and null
to disable all colors.
Type: String
Default value: ""
The app description.
Type: String
Default value: "noname"
The app name used in the command line.
Type: String
Default value: config.name.toUpperCase()
The app title, which is sometimes slightly different from config.name
Type: String
Default value: "0.0.0"
The app version.
Type: Object
Default value: {}
The command line options.
options: {
"option-name": {
short: "o",
info: "Description of option.",
type: String
can be any value that is applied when no user value has been supplied.option.hidden
is a Boolean
that hides the option from the help screen.option.info
is a descriptive String
used in the help screen.option.rename
can be a String
or Boolean
. false
will disable auto camel-casing. The default value is true
can be a String
or Array
is a String
for categorizing the help screen.option.type
can be any of these types. The default type is String
.Type: Array
Default value: []
Argument shortcuts to options.
aliases: ["option1","option2"]
This would allow something like app foo bar
to be a CLI shortcut to app --option1 foo --option2 bar
shortcut:"option": {
alias: "--option1 value -xyz"
for nested options:commands: {
"command": {
info: "A command with specific options.",
options: {
"input": {
info: "The input file."
type: path
"output": {
info: "The output file."
type: path
aliases: ["input","output"]
//$ app command input.ext output.ext
to options.arguments
for easier project testing?option.rename
supports booleansinput()._remain
no longer requires a valueoption.type
defaults to type String
, util.forceColors()
, util.readHelpFile()
, util.replaceColorVars()
, util.stripColors()
for easier project testingString.prototype
, config.merge()
, help.indent()
, help screen cleanup