npm only allow

Force a specific package manager to be used on a project



The hook about preinstall of npm behaves inconsistently across package managers.

The existing solution (only-allow) is not working well.

The npm-only-allow goal is to fix them.


Add a preinstall script to your project’s package.json.

If you want to force npm|cnpm|pnpm|yarn, add:
(If you want to smooth out the difference, you also need to add it in the startup script)

  "scripts": {
    "preinstall": "npx npm-only-allow@latest --PM yarn",
    "start": "npx npm-only-allow@latest && vite"


  • PM

    Set the package manager

  • lang (en or zh)

    Set the language category for error messages to be output , Default to English

Sample environment

node v14.19.0
npm v8.11.0
yarn v1.22.19
pnpm v7.2.7
cnpm v9.0.1


If you are using ‘cnpm’ as your package manager, try pressing the space bar if loading is going on

Testing process

This is the testing process after the development is complete

You just have to choose one or the other

Let’s take yarn for example

  "scripts": {
    "preinstall": "npx npm-only-allow@latest --PM yarn",
    "start": "npx npm-only-allow@latest && vite"
  • step 1
   *  pnpm i | cnpm i | npm i 
   *  => [npm-only-allow]:当前运行的(pnpm)包管理器与设置的(yarn)不一致
  • step 2
   *  yarn
   *  => success
  • step 3
   *  cnpm i lodash | pnpm i lodash | cnpm i lodash
   *  => success
  • step 4
   *  yarn start
   *  => [npm-only-allow]:检测到您可能使用了不匹配的包管理器安装了依赖(lodash),请卸载或使用正确的管理器安装后重试
  • step 5
   *  yarn add lodash
   *  => success
  • step 6
   *  cnpm start
   *  => success
  • step 7
   *  yarn add moment
   *  => success
  • step 8
   *  cnpm i jquery | pnpm i jquery | npm i jquery
   *  => 关闭正在运行的线程
   *  => [npm-only-allow]:检测到您可能使用了不匹配的包管理器安装了依赖(jquery),请卸载或使用正确的管理器安装后重试
