Overview In this activity, you'll create a new React-based rendition of the New York Times Article Search application. This assignment requires you to create React components, work with helper functions, and utilize the React mounting lifecycle to query and display articles based on user searches. You'll also use Node, Express and MongoDB so that users can save articles to read later. Instructions Check out this mockup image. This explains how your site's components should function. Create a MongoDB database called nytreact. Using mongoose, then create an Article schema and model Articles should have each of the following fields: title (Title of the stored article from nytimes.com) date (publish date and time of the article) url (URL of the article on nytimes.com) Creating documents in your articles collection similar to { title: 'Ali Sells Jersey House And Moves to Chicago', date: '1974-07-18T00:00:00Z', url: 'http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9A0DE5D8173FEF34BC4052DFB166838F669EDE' } <<<<<<< HEAD Create a Node/Express/MongoDB/ReactJS app called nytreact. This will be a recreation of the NYT Articles Search exercise application we built back in Week 6. Running this application will: ||||||| merged common ancestors 5. Create a Node/Express/Handlebars/MongoDB/ReactJS app called nytreact. This will be a recreation of the NYT Articles Search exercise application we built back in Week 6. Running this application will: Create a Node/Express/MongoDB/ReactJS app called nytreact. This will be a recreation of the NYT Articles Search exercise application we built back in Week 6. Running this application will: >>>>>>> 6d195107fdf5ca0716fb0283329e2a16f667dbd1 Create a Bootstrap layout similar to that displayed in HW_Assignment.png. This should be a SPA (Single Page Application) that uses react-router to navigate, hide and show your React components without changing the route within Express. If you want to try out another CSS framework, feel free to use an alternative to Bootstrap. You'll need several Express routes for your app: /api/saved (get) - your components will use this to query MongoDB for all saved articles /api/saved (post) - your components will use this to save an article to the database /api/saved (delete) - your components will use this to delete a saved article in the database * (get) - will load your single HTML page (with ReactJS) in public/index.html. Make sure you put this after all other GET routes The layout should include three React Components named Main, Search and Saved. Main - contains the main-container div that holds the main layout and navigation. This component should also be able to hold sub-components Search and Saved Search - queries the NYT API for articles. Displays API search results from another possible Query component and Results component. Gives the user the ability to save an article to their Saved Articles. Saved - displays the Saved Articles that were searched and stored in the database Deploy your application to Heroku once complete. Bonus Live Updates to Saved Articles Use React routing and socket.io to create a notification or a component that triggers whenever a user saves an article. Your message should include the title of the saved article. Say you have multiple browsers open, each one visiting your site. If you save an article in one browser, then all of your browsers should notify you that a new article was saved. Socket.io NPM package Minimum Requirements Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed.
Overview In this activity, you’ll create a new React-based rendition of the New York Times Article Search application. This assignment requires you to create React components, work with helper functions, and utilize the React mounting lifecycle to query and display articles based on user searches. You’ll also use Node, Express and MongoDB so that users can save articles to read later. Instructions Check out this mockup image. This explains how your site’s components should function. Create a MongoDB database called nytreact. Using mongoose, then create an Article schema and model Articles should have each of the following fields: title (Title of the stored article from nytimes.com) date (publish date and time of the article) url (URL of the article on nytimes.com) Creating documents in your articles collection similar to { title: ‘Ali Sells Jersey House And Moves to Chicago’, date: ‘1974-07-18T00:00:00Z’, url: ‘http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9A0DE5D8173FEF34BC4052DFB166838F669EDE’ } <<<<<<< HEAD Create a Node/Express/MongoDB/ReactJS app called nytreact. This will be a recreation of the NYT Articles Search exercise application we built back in Week 6. Running this application will: ||||||| merged common ancestors 5. Create a Node/Express/Handlebars/MongoDB/ReactJS app called nytreact. This will be a recreation of the NYT Articles Search exercise application we built back in Week 6. Running this application will: Create a Node/Express/MongoDB/ReactJS app called nytreact. This will be a recreation of the NYT Articles Search exercise application we built back in Week 6. Running this application will: >>>>>>> 6d195107fdf5ca0716fb0283329e2a16f667dbd1 Create a Bootstrap layout similar to that displayed in HW_Assignment.png. This should be a SPA (Single Page Application) that uses react-router to navigate, hide and show your React components without changing the route within Express. If you want to try out another CSS framework, feel free to use an alternative to Bootstrap. You’ll need several Express routes for your app: /api/saved (get) - your components will use this to query MongoDB for all saved articles /api/saved (post) - your components will use this to save an article to the database /api/saved (delete) - your components will use this to delete a saved article in the database * (get) - will load your single HTML page (with ReactJS) in public/index.html. Make sure you put this after all other GET routes The layout should include three React Components named Main, Search and Saved. Main - contains the main-container div that holds the main layout and navigation. This component should also be able to hold sub-components Search and Saved Search - queries the NYT API for articles. Displays API search results from another possible Query component and Results component. Gives the user the ability to save an article to their Saved Articles. Saved - displays the Saved Articles that were searched and stored in the database Deploy your application to Heroku once complete. Bonus Live Updates to Saved Articles Use React routing and socket.io to create a notification or a component that triggers whenever a user saves an article. Your message should include the title of the saved article. Say you have multiple browsers open, each one visiting your site. If you save an article in one browser, then all of your browsers should notify you that a new article was saved. Socket.io NPM package Minimum Requirements Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed.