
Network Defense System.


nzyme - Network Defense System


Learn more at

Version 2.0.0 of nzyme is currently in development. The previous website for v1.x is archived here.


There are many ways to contribute and all community interaction is absolutely welcome:

  • Open an issue for any kind of bug you think you have found.
  • Open an issue for anything that was confusing to you. Bad, missing or confusing documentation is considered a bug.
  • Open a Pull Request for a new feature or a bugfix. It is a good idea to get in contact first to make sure that it fits the roadmap and has a chance to be merged.
  • Write documentation.
  • Write a blog post.
  • Help a user in the issue tracker or the IRC channel (#nzyme on FreeNode.)
  • Get in contact and say how you use it or what would be a cool addition.
  • Tell the world.

Please be aware of the Code of Conduct that will be enforced across all channels and platforms.

Legal notice

Make sure to comply with local laws, especially with regards to wiretapping, when running nzyme. Note that nzyme is never decrypting any data but only reading unencrypted data.