O365 UC

Office 365 Account Registration Portal


Office 365 Account Registration Portal

This panel can let you distribute Office 365 account via invite code or email


sudo apt-get install tmux python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install tornado js2py


git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/HuJK/O365-UC.git
cd O365-UC/backend/

# Running in the foreground
python3 o365-creater_api.py

# Running in the backgroung
# I am used to use tmux. You can use screen dtach & etc.
tmux new -d -s o365 python3 o365-creater_api.py


Then connect to

If you want use different port, please edit the listen_port section in backend\config\config_pwd.json


Demo Site :

Guest page:

Admin page:

Demo site are just for demo, it will not create real users.

invite code anonymous
Admin password adminn

Enable Demo mode:

You can enable or disable demo mode only by directly edit config file.

Please edit


, and than set demo_mode to true.

Create accounts by invite code:

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Configure invite code:

In the invite_code folder, there is a datas.db file. use any sqlite3 editor to edit the file.

In the invite_code table, each row is a invite_code, and the remains colume is the number of remains of the invite_code

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If you want to use mysql instead of sqlite3, or your own invite code check progress, please edit line 330 to line 367 at the backend/o365_creater_auth.py file:

Please return True or False

    def check(self,password):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(self.invite_code_db_path)
        conn.row_factory = dict_factory
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        result = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM invite_code WHERE invite_code=?',[password]).fetchall()
        ret = False
        if len(result) > 0 and result[0]["remains"] > 0:
            cursor.execute('UPDATE invite_code SET remains = remains - 1 WHERE invite_code=?',[password])
            ret = True
        return ret

The following function is check user redeemed or not. If user logout before they redeem, it will add use_left back.

And it will be called when the user logout or other users login for all expired user.

sid is the sesstion id. When user check pass, the system will generate one.

self.loginUser is a dictionary, stored all login users. remember to del self.loginUser[sid] in the function.

self.loginUser[sid]["invite_code"] is the invite_code that the user use.

self.loginUser[sid]["redeemed"] is whether the user created an account or not.

    def logout(self,sid):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(self.invite_code_db_path)
        conn.row_factory = dict_factory
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        if "redeemed" in self.loginUser[sid] and self.loginUser[sid]["redeemed"] == False:
            invite_code = self.loginUser[sid]["invite_code"]
            cursor.execute('UPDATE invite_code SET remains = remains + 1 WHERE invite_code=?',[invite_code])
            user_info = defaultdict(lambda:None, self.loginUser[sid])
            del_record = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM register_info WHERE userPrincipalName=?',[user_info["userPrincipalName"]]).fetchall()
            if len(del_record) > 0:
                cursor.execute('UPDATE register_info SET userPrincipalName=? WHERE id=?',[None,del_record[0]["id"]])
            reg_record = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM register_info WHERE invite_code=? AND userPrincipalName IS NULL',[user_info["invite_code"]]).fetchall()
            if len(reg_record) > 0:
                cursor.execute('UPDATE register_info SET invite_code=? , userPrincipalName=? , displayName=? , infomation=? WHERE id=?',
    [user_info["invite_code"],user_info["userPrincipalName"],user_info["displayName"],json.dumps(user_info["infomation"],ensure_ascii=False,default=lambda x:str(x)),reg_record[0]["id"]])
                cursor.execute('INSERT INTO register_info (invite_code,userPrincipalName,displayName,infomation) VALUES (?,?,?,?)',[user_info["invite_code"],user_info["userPrincipalName"],user_info["displayName"],json.dumps(user_info["infomation"],indent=2, ensure_ascii=False,default=lambda x:str(x))])
        del self.loginUser[sid]
        remain_0_invite_codes = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM invite_code WHERE remains=0').fetchall()
        login_user_used_codes = set([user["invite_code"] for user in self.loginUser.values()])
        no_user_used_codes = [code["invite_code"] for code in remain_0_invite_codes if code["invite_code"] not in login_user_used_codes]
        for invite_code in no_user_used_codes:
            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM invite_code WHERE invite_code=?',[invite_code]).fetchall()

Initial Setup:

Default password: admin

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Now, you can configure registration settings or CAPTCHA settings

Registration settings

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It should be able to work at most of CAPTCHA services.

Like google reCAPTCHA/hCAPTCHA/luosimao/腾讯云验证码.

I only tested google reCAPTCHA v2 and hCAPTCHA.

google reCAPTCHA v2:

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Admin password

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HuJK, Released under the GPL-3.0 License.

GitHub @HuJK