
OERPLib is a Python RPC library which aims to provide an easy way to remotely pilot and manage an OpenERP server.



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OERPLib is a Python module providing an easy way to
pilot your OpenERP and Odoo servers through RPC.

Features supported:
- XML-RPC and (legacy) Net-RPC protocols,
- access to all methods proposed by a model class
(even browse) with an API similar to the server-side API,
- ability to use named parameters with such methods (server >= 6.1),
- user context automatically sent (server >= 6.1) providing support
for internationalization,
- browse records,
- execute workflows,
- manage databases,
- reports downloading,
- inspection capabilities (graphical output of relations between models and
dependencies between modules, list on_change methods from model
views, …).

How does it work? See below:

… code-block:: python

import oerplib

# Prepare the connection to the server
oerp = oerplib.OERP('localhost', protocol='xmlrpc', port=8069)

# Check available databases

# Login (the object returned is a browsable record)
user = oerp.login('user', 'passwd', 'db_name')
print(user.name)            # name of the user connected
print(user.company_id.name) # the name of its company

# Simple 'raw' query
user_data = oerp.execute('res.users', 'read', [user.id])

# Use all methods of an OSV class
order_obj = oerp.get('sale.order')
order_ids = order_obj.search([])
for order in order_obj.browse(order_ids):
    products = [line.product_id.name for line in order.order_line]

# Update data through a browsable record
user.name = "Brian Jones"

See the documentation for more details and features.

Supported OpenERP/Odoo server versions

OERPLib has been tested on OpenERP server v5.0, v6.0, v6.1, v7.0 and
Odoo v8.0.
It should work on next versions if Odoo keeps a stable API.

Supported Python versions

OERPLib support Python versions 2.6, 2.7.


This software is made available under the LGPL v3 license.

Generate the documentation

To generate the documentation, you have to install Sphinx documentation

easy_install -U sphinx

Then, you can use the build_doc option of the setup.py::

python setup.py build_doc

The generated documentation will be in the ./doc/build/html directory.

Bugs or suggestions

Please, feel free to report bugs or suggestions in the Bug Tracker <https://github.com/osiell/oerplib/issues>_!

Changes in this version

Consult the CHANGELOG.rst file.