OfficeLife is the first EmpOps platform. It manages everything employees do in a company. From projects to holidays to 1:1s to teams.
If a company wants to have a complete 360 view of what’s happening inside its walls, it needs to buy and configure a lot of tools. There is a tool for every specific aspect of a company: HR, project management, time tracking, holidays and time offs, team management, One on Ones,… There isn’t a software available today, that combine all of them together in a simple way.
Not only buying and configuring all those software is a time-consuming process, but it also costs a lot of money - especially for smaller companies with a limited budget. Moreover, most of the SAAS out there have a let’s-call-us-and-talk-for-an-hour-before-you-can-see-what-the-pricing-will-look-like-for-you policy, which most people hate and that we refuse to follow.
We’ve created OfficeLife to provide a single source of truth for everything an employee does.
OfficeLife has the following features, in 5 major domains:
👋 Recruit
🥸 Manage
👷♀️ Operate
☎️ Communicate
🥳 Grow
Employee and team morale
To have more information about the project, check the documentation:
OfficeLife is aimed at small and medium size businesses, ranging from 10 to 500 employees. It’s not suited for smaller teams, because it’s collaborative. Also, it’s not meant for huge companies as those companies usually have enough resources to manage a lot of different dedicated, specialized softwares.
OfficeLife is for companies that want one tool, simple enough for everybody, and hackable so it can fit your custom needs.
I’m ( a manager in a big corporation. We have a lot of tools that are not interconnected. And despite all those tools, I don’t know what’s going on inside the company, or how is an employee doing. OfficeLife is born out of my frustration with the lack of a single source of truth.
I wanted to open source this tool because I believe that collectively, we can build a better tool that everyone will benefit from. A lot of companies can’t afford expensive softwares like Workday. By providing a free tool like OfficeLife, I wish employees around the world will enjoy their work more, and managers will be better at being managers.
OfficeLife is open source, but it comes in several flavors so it fits everyone needs:
The project is in beta right now, accessible from The software might have some bugs that we are fixing as we find them.
OfficeLife is made by @djaiss and @asbiin.
We’ve made another project called @monicahq.
This project wouldn’t exist if not because of all the people who contribute. Would you like to contribute? Here is where you can start.
OfficeLife is open-sourced software licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. Don’t be a jerk.