
fbc_cv is an open source image process library.



The main role of the project:

The version of each open source library see: version.txt

The project support platform:

  • windows10 64 bits: It can be directly build with VS2022 in windows10 64bits.
  • Linux:
    • OpenCV_Test support cmake build(file position: prj/linux_cmake_OpenCV_Test)
    • FFmpeg_Test support cmake build(test code include: FFmpeg, LIVE555; file position: prj/linux_cmake_FFmpeg_Test)

OpenCV’s version: 3.1

  • close support for OpenCL/CUDA/SIMD/TBB/OpenMP when build with CMake
  • modify modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cvdef.h,close SIMD support: adjust line 167 to: #if 0
  • in order to keep the linux and windows results consistent, modify modules/core/include/opencv2/core/fast_math.hpp: make cvFound/cvFloor/cvCeil/cvRound to execute the last branch
  • insure that all algorithms are implemented with c++


  • it is an open source image process library
  • most of the algorithms come from OpenCV3.1
  • it has a template class Mat_ replace of OpenCV’s Mat class: src/fbc_cv/include/core/mat.hpp
  • interface names are consistent with OpenCV3.1
  • each algorithm’s result is same with OpenCV3.1
  • the codes are written in C++ without dependence on any 3rd-party libraries

fbc_cv have been implemented include:

  • resize
  • cvtColor
  • merge/split
  • remap
  • warpAffine
  • rotate
  • warpPerspective
  • dilate
  • erode
  • morphologyEx
  • threshold
  • transpose
  • flip
  • dft/idft
  • Windows DShow, support codec type: mjpeg
    • opencv:, only get decoded data
    • ffmpeg: 4.2, only get encoded data

Python code(support windows and linux platform):

  • environment configuration
    • install anaconda
    • install imagemagick
    • execute the following command:
      conda create -n OpenCV_Test python=3.9
      conda activate OpenCV_Test
      git clone
      cd OpenCV_Test/demo/Python
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • modify Anaconda3/envs/OpenCV_Test/Lib/site-packages/moviepy/
      IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY = os.getenv('IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY', 'auto-detect') # original statement
      IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY = os.getenv('IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY', 'the magick executable for the actual path, for example: C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.1-Q16-HDRI\magick.exe') # modified statement
  • features



fbc_cv library licence: uses the same licence as OpenCV3.1