
Game platform for Artificial Intelligence research and education



OpenNERO Maze Environement OpenNERO blocks Environement OpenNERO Roomba Environement OpenNERO NERO Environement

OpenNERO is an open source software platform designed for
research and education in Artificial Intelligence. The project is based on the
Neuro-Evolving Robotic Operatives (NERO) game developed by graduate
and undergraduate students at the Neural Networks Research Group and
Department of Computer Science at the
University of Texas at Austin.

In particular, OpenNERO has been used to implement several demos and exercises for Russell
and Norvig’s textbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. These
demos and exercises illustrate AI methods such as brute-force search, heuristic search, scripting,
reinforcement learning, and evolutionary computation, and AI problems such as maze running,
vacuuming, and robotic battle. The methods and problems are implemented in several different
environments (or “mods”), as described below.

More environments, problems, and methods, as well as demos and exercises illustrating them, will
be added in the future. The current ones are intended to serve as a starting point on which new
ones can be built, by us, but also by the community at large. If you have questions or would like to contribute, check out the OpenNERO Google Group.

Get Started


Many people have contributed to OpenNERO, including Igor V. Karpov, John B. Sheblak, Adam Dziuk, Minh Phan, Dan Lessin, Wes Tansey, Reza Mahjourian, Risto Miikkulainen, members of the Neural Networks Research Group at UT Austin, students and alumni of the Computational Intelligence and Game Design stream of the Freshman Research Initiative at UT Austin.

NOTE: as with any active project, OpenNERO is a work in progress and many updates are frequently being made. If you have trouble with OpenNERO, check the discussion group and then consider submitting an issue. And of course, if you would like to contribute, let us know!