
Open棟梁を使用したプロジェクト・テンプレートです。このプロジェクト・テンプレートを使用してアプリケーションやWebサービスの開発プロジェクトを迅速に立ち上げることができます。(These are project templates using the OpenTouryo. You can use this project template for quickly launch applications and web service development projects.)


OpenTouryo is an application framework for .NET Framework which was developed using the accumulated know-how with a long track record in .NET application development.

You can see what OpenTouryo is according to template-base. Further, you can create the “project template” using proper version of Visual Studio. Tutorial will be helpful to you for customizing template-base!

  • For more information, please refer to the Readme in each root_VS20XX folder.
  • Click here for Japanese version of this file.





Template-base Develop Environment Run-time Environment
/root_VS2017/ Visual Studio 2017 .NET Framework 4.7, .NET Core 2.0
/root_VS2019/ Visual Studio 2019 .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 5
/root_VS2022/ Visual Studio 2022 .NET Framework 4.8, .NET 6