Graphics / Video, Audio and Input frameworks. (Agnostic / Portable / Easy / Powerful / Fast)
Graphics / Video, Audio and Input frameworks. (Agnostic / Portable / Easy / Powerful / Fast)
This project will focus on an extremely portable, fast and powerful yet simple to understand agnostic set of frameworks for use in C# / .NET or CS2X runtimes.
Simply put, the goal is to have a robust set of core frameworks that can be used as the building blocks for C# UI / XAML like systems, Game Engines and more… running on platforms ranging from Desktop, Mobile, TV, IoT, Web to other embedded or legacy devices.
This list will be adjusted and more specific as things progress.
Agnostic custom shader support will be provided via CS2X:
This means all shaders can be writen in C# for portability.
Writing shaders will not be required as many shading presets will be provided and fixed rendering pipelines are supported.
API Agnostic DSP effects can be written in C#
sudo dotnet workload install macos