palette server

palette-server is a small little WSGI-compliant httpony to extract colours from an image.



palette-server is a small Flask based HTTP-pony to extract colours from an image.

This package is officially DEPRECATED. You should consult plumbing-palette-server instead.

How to use it

$> curl  'http://localhost:5000/extract?path=cat.jpg' | python -m json.tool

	"reference-closest": "css3",
	"average": {
		"closest": "#808080", 
		"colour": "#8e895a", 
	"palette": [
			"closest": "#a0522d", 
			"colour": "#957d34", 
			"closest": "#556b2f", 
			"colour": "#786438", 
			"closest": "#bdb76b", 
			"colour": "#b0a370", 
			"closest": "#556b2f", 
			"colour": "#576710", 
			"closest": "#808080", 
			"colour": "#827968", 
	"stat": "ok"

Did you notice the way the path for the request is /extract? There are two reasons for that:

  • Backwards compatibility with earlier versions of palette-server
  • Syntactic sugar to hide the colour analysis tool and the colour reference that we’re using (to determine the “closest” colour).

Currently there is only one colour analysis tool – Giv Parvaneh’s RoyGBiv – but there may be others some day. You can address it directly like this:

$> curl  'http://localhost:5000/extract/roygbiv/?path=cat.jpg'

palette-server also allows you to pair the colour palette to any reference grid that the cooperhewitt-swatchbook library exports. For example, if you want to use the Crayola crayon colour scheme as a reference you could say:

$> curl  'http://localhost:5000/extract/roygbiv/crayola?path=cat.jpg'

The default reference grid is CSS3.

If you just want to test that the server is up and running you can call the /ping endpoint, like this:

$> curl  'http://localhost:5000/ping'

	"stat": "ok"

How to run it

First things first


palette-server limits itself to processing only those images that it can find in a user-defined directory. Currently this is being configued as an environment variable (mostly because none of the configuration options for Flask stand out as “simple”). For example:


Alternative suggestions and patches are welcome. This works but is not awesome, by any means.

Authentication and authorization

There is none, by default. This is not necessarily a service that is meant to be public-facing and assumes that unless you are planning to open things up to the world that you are running on a machine with suitable access control restrictions at the network layer.


palette-server is a Flask application so you can start it up, from the command-line, like this:

$> cd palette-server
$> python flask/

INFO:werkzeug: * Running on
INFO:werkzeug: * Restarting with reloader


palette-server will work with any WSGI-compliant server architecture but there are sample configuration files and init.d scripts included with this repository for running things, as a daemonized service, under gunicorn.

To do

  • HTTP POST support (upload files)
  • Get from URL support
  • Better config options
  • A build-pack for Heroku, and friends
  • A proper setup file or build script for dependencies


See also