Package Management Application
Application is built using .Net Core 2.2. Application uses message queueing concept using RabbitMQ. Application has been developed using Mac and Visual Studio Code.
- Ensure .net core sdk or runtime 2.2 is installed in the machine
- Ensure RabbitMQ is installed and running on default port
- Incase of using docker for RabbitMQ run this command to spin-off a new RabbitMQ instance
“docker container run -d --name package_rabbit --rm -p 5672:5672 -p 15673:15672 rabbitmq:3-management”
To run application:
Extract zip to some desired folder.
To parse the parcels and publish all parcels to RabbitMQ queue:
- navigate to ParcelManagement.Distribution project folder in command prompt “cd ParcelManagement.Distribution”
- run this command dotnet run
To consume the parcels
- navigate to ParcelManagement.Departments.Console project folder in a new command prompt window “cd ParcelManagement.Departments.Console”
- run the command “dotnet run”