
Streaming torrent client for node.js



Streaming torrent client for Node.js

npm install -g peerflix

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Peerflix can be used with a magnet link or a torrent file.
To stream a video with its magnet link use the following command.

peerflix "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ef330b39f4801d25b4245212e75a38634bfc856e" --vlc

Remember to put " around your magnet link since they usually contain &.
peerflix will print a terminal interface. The first line contains an address to a http server. The --vlc flag ensures vlc is opened when the torrent is ready to stream.


To stream music with a torrent file use the following command.

peerflix "http://some-torrent/music.torrent" -a --vlc

The -a flag ensures that all files in the music repository are played with vlc.
Otherwise if the torrent contains multiple files, peerflix will choose the biggest one.
To get a full list of available options run peerflix with the help flag.

peerflix --help

Examples of usage of could be

peerflix magnet-link --list # Select from a list of files to download
peerflix magnet-link --vlc -- --fullscreen # will pass --fullscreen to vlc
peerflix magnet-link --mplayer --subtitles # play in mplayer with subtitles
peerflix magnet-link --connection 200 # set max connection to 200

Programmatic usage

If you want to build your own app using streaming bittorrent in Node you should checkout torrent-stream

Chromebook users

Chromebooks are set to refuse all incoming connections by default - to change this:

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT


If you wanna use peerflix on your chromecast checkout peercast
or castnow
