Helper Android app for PhoneProfilesPlus. Required for detection of calls and SMS, force close applications, lock device, ...
Discord PPP server invitation:
Install PhoneProfilesPlusExtender directly from PhoneProfilesPlus. But it is also possible to install it from an external source. If installing from PhoneProfilesPlus does not work, use external source. External sources are described below.
NOTE: Google Play Protect may display dialog box with title “Unsafe app blocked” and description “This app was build for an older version of Android and doesn`t include the latest privacy protection.”
Please click in this dialog “More details” and then “Install anyway”.
Dialog is displayed, because PPPE has target SDK vesion 27 (Android 8.1). Must be, because of functionalities in PPPE.
Use keyword “PhoneProfilesPlusExtender” for search this application in these stores:
Droid-ify (F-Droid alternative, preferred over GitHub):
Neo Store (F-Droid alternative, preferred over GitHub):
GitHub (better is using Droid-ify instead):
NOTE: Installation from downloaded apk is not recommended for Android 13+ for security reason. Use instead Droid-ify, if in your device is not supported application store, and install PhoneProfilesPlusExtender from it.
PPPE release (direct download)
Number of downloads by version
If is not possible to install PhoneProfilesPlusExtender from the downloaded apk file directly on your device, you can install it from your computer.
What is PhoneProfilesPlusExtender:
Android application - Extender for PhoneProfilesPlus.
**** Please report me bugs, comments and suggestions to my e-mail: [email protected]. Speed up the especially bug fixes. Thank you very much. ****
*** Please help me with translation, thank you: ***