Various helper classes for miscellaneous operations, as well as POSSE and Doctrine JSON tools
Yet another package full of helper functions.
This is pretty much a personal dumping ground for little functions and classes I make which don’t fit anywhere else. Every now and again I extract a whole bunch of related functions into a package of their own.
A lot of the open source code I’ve written depends on this package, which is not a very good thing as it’s actually quite big, especially if you install all the dev dependencies (which composer does by default). So I’m currently (2013-06) in the process of extracting the bits I’m using into minimal packages as described above.
: A custom type for Doctrine allowing arrays to be stored as JSON in longtext
: A class full of static helper methods for doing various bits of text processing and other stuff.BarnabyWalters\Helpers\Microformats
: Static helper methods for processing canonical microformats-2 array structuresBarnabyWalters\Posse\*
: A namespace full of helper classes for syndicating content. Includes:
Auto-generated documentation is available online, but split up a bit.