php oauth saml demo

Demo project using php-oauth for OAuth 2.0 authorization with simpleSAMLphp for authentication and sample client and server applications to test it all out.


php-oauth + simpleSAMLphp + app/api server + client application

The goal of this project is to implement the php-oauth OAuth 2.0
authorization server along with simpleSAMLphp and example applications that implement and consume APIs
using OAuth 2.0.

Installation / Setup

This project uses Vagrant with VirtualBox to setup local servers and install the needed software. All you need
to do to test this out is:

  1. Clone this repo

  2. See block below for /etc/hosts file entry and add that line to your /etc/hosts file

  3. From the command line, go to the vagrant/ folder in the repo

  4. Run vagrant up

  5. Once vagrant is done spinning up the virtual machine, open your browser and go to

  6. You should see a simple page, click the Login link in the header and you should be redirected to login and grant

  7. Login with username user1 and password pass1.

  8. After being logged in you’ll see a sort of debug page showing the output of a few API calls being made
    to the appserver.local host.


    OAuth POC hosts saml.local oauth.local demo.local appserver.local appclient.local

Web Sequence Diagrams

Standard Flow

View Image

title OAuth 2.0 with simpleSAMLphp

participant Resource Owner (User) as User
participant Client Application (appclient) as Client
participant Resource Server 1 (appserver) as Server1
participant Authorization Server (php-oauth) as AuthZ
participant Authentication Server (SAML) as AuthN

note right of User
Solid lines are browser based calls.
end note

User->Client: Click Login
Client->User: Redirect user to OAuth Auth Request
User->AuthZ: Route to login url
AuthZ->User: Redirect User to\nlogin via SAML
User->AuthN: Login via SAML
AuthN->User: Redirect to OAuth Server
User->AuthZ: Authenticated,\nSAML attrs included
AuthZ->User: Prompt to grant access to requested scopes
User->AuthZ: Access Granted
AuthZ->User: Redirect user to Client with Token Request Code
User->Client: Successfully logged in,\nAuth Code included

note over Server1
Dashed lines are server to server API calls.
end note

Client-->AuthZ: Request Access Token
AuthZ-->Client: Access Token
User->Client: Attempt to\nAccess Something
Client-->Server1: API Request for Something \nIncluding Bearer Token
Server1-->AuthZ: Validate Bearer Token\nand Scopes
AuthZ-->Server1: Token Information\nIncluding Scopes
Server1-->Client: Token/Scope verified,\nSomething returned
Client->User: Display Something

Two Resource Servers and Progressive Scoping

View Image

title OAuth 2.0 with simpleSAMLphp - Two Resource Servers and Progressive Scoping

participant Resource Owner (User) as User
participant Client Application as Client
participant Resource Server 1 as Server1
participant Resource Server 2 as Server2
participant Authorization Server (php-oauth) as AuthZ
participant Authentication Server (SAML) as AuthN

note right of User
Solid lines are browser based calls.
end note

User->Client: Click Login
Client->User: Redirect user to OAuth Auth Request
User->AuthZ: Route to login url
AuthZ->User: Redirect User to login via SAML
User->AuthN: Login via SAML
AuthN->User: Redirect to OAuth Server
User->AuthZ: Authenticated, SAML attrs included
AuthZ->User: Prompt to grant access to requested scopes
User->AuthZ: Access Granted
AuthZ->User: Redirect user to Client with Token Request Code
User->Client: Successfully logged in,\nAuth Code included

note over Server1
Dashed lines are server to server API calls.
end note

Client-->AuthZ: Request Access Token
AuthZ-->Client: Access Token
User->Client: Attempt to\nAccess Something
Client-->Server1: API Request for Something \nIncluding Bearer Token
Server1-->AuthZ: Validate Bearer Token\nand Scopes
AuthZ-->Server1: Token Information\nIncluding Scopes
Server1-->Client: Token/Scope verified,\nSomething returned
Client->User: Display Something

User->Client: Access Something Else
Client->User: Redirect user to request access
User->AuthZ: Login request for new scope
AuthZ->User: Redirect User to login via SAML
User->AuthN: Login via SAML
AuthN->User: Redirect to OAuth Server
User->AuthZ: Authenticated, SAML attrs Included
AuthZ->User: Prompt to grant access to requested scopes
AuthZ->User: Redirect user to Client with Token Request Code
User->Client: Successfully logged in\nAuth Code Included
Client-->AuthZ: Request Access Token
AuthZ-->Client: Access Token
Client-->Server2: API Request for Something Else\nIncluding Bearer Token
Server2-->AuthZ: Validate Bearer Token\nand Scopes
AuthZ-->Server2: Token Information\nIncluding Scopes
Server2-->Client: Token/Scope verified,\nSomething Else returned
Client->User: Display Something Else