A robust PHP framework that streamlines building SDKs for third-party APIs. Leverage a clean base client, handy resource traits, and powerful data object mapping to keep your code concise, testable, and effortlessly scalable.
A framework for building SDKs in PHP.
composer require juststeveking/php-sdk
The purpose of this package is to provide a consistent and interoperable way to build PHP SDKs to work with 3rd party APis.
To get started with this library, you need to start by extending the Client
class. Let’s walk through building an SDK.
use JustSteveKing\Sdk\Client;
final class YourSDK extends Client
Once this is in place, you can start adding your resources to the class. Let’s add a projects
method for a projects resource.
use JustSteveKing\Sdk\Client;
use JustSteveKing\Sdk\Tests\Stubs\Resources\ProjectResource;
final class YourSDK extends Client
public function projects()
return new ProjectResource(
client: $this,
We return a new instance of our resource classes, passing through your SDK as a client
. This is so that each resource is able to talk through the client to send requests.
Now, let’s look at how to structure a resource.
final class ProjectResource
To save time, there are a collection of traits that you can use on your resources.
- which will add the default constructor required for a resource.CanCreateDataObjects
- which will allow you to create DataObjects from API responses.CanCreateRequests
- which will allow you to create HTTP requests and payloads using PSR-17 Factories.Let’s look at an example of a full resource class.
use Exception;
use JustSteveKing\Sdk\Concerns\Resources;
use JustSteveKing\Tools\Http\Enums\Method;
use Ramsey\Collection\Collection;
use Throwable;
final class ProjectResource
use Resources\CanAccessClient;
use Resources\CanCreateDataObjects;
use Resources\CanCreateRequests;
public function all(): Collection
$request = $this->request(
method: Method::GET,
uri: '/projects',
try {
$response = $this->client->send(
request: $request,
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
throw new Exception(
message: 'Failed to list test.',
code: $exception->getCode(),
previous: $exception,
return (new Collection(
collectionType: Project::class,
data: array_map(
callback: static fn(array $data): Project => Project::make(
data: $data,
array: (array) json_decode(
json: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
associative: true,
We start by creating a request, and then try to get a response by sending it through the client.
Once we have a response, we create a Collection
thanks to a package by Ben Ramsey. We pass through the type of each item we expect it to be,
then the data as an array. To create the data we map over the response content and statically create a new Data Object.
This allows us to keep our code clean, concise, and testable.
To run the test:
composer run test
To run the static analysis checks:
composer run stan
To run the code style fixer:
composer run pint
To run the rector code refactoring:
composer run refactor
Without the following packages and people, this framework would have been a lot harder to build.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.