Textile markup language parser for PHP
h1. PHP-Textile
“Textile reference”:https://textile-lang.com/ | “Live editor”:https://textile-lang.com/doc
!https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=textile_php-textile&metric=coverage!:https://sonarcloud.io/summary/overall?id=textile_php-textile !https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/netcarver/textile.svg!:https://packagist.org/packages/netcarver/textile !https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/netcarver/textile.svg!:https://packagist.org/packages/netcarver/textile
PHP-Textile is a modern Textile markup language parser for PHP. Textile is a humane web text generator that takes lightweight, readable, plaintext-like markup language and converts it into well formed HTML.
h2. Install
Using “Composer”:https://getcomposer.org/:
bc. $ composer require netcarver/textile
h2. Usage
The Textile parser can be accessed through the @Netcarver\Textile\Parser@ class. The class is highly configurable, and actual parsing happens with the @parse@ method:
bc. require ‘./vendor/autoload.php’;
$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser->parse(‘h1. Hello World!’);
h3. Parsing untrusted input
If you are using PHP-Textile to format user-supplied input, blog comments for instance, remember to enable restricted parser mode:
bc. $parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser
In restricted mode PHP-Textile doesn’t allow more powerful formatting options such as inline styles, and removes any raw HTML.
h3. Parsing single-line fields
If you are using PHP-Textile as a field-level formatter to parse just inline spans and glyphs, use the @setBlockTags@ method to disable block tags:
bc. $parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser
->parse(‘Hello strong world!’);
The above outputs:
bc. Hello strong world!
h3. Doctypes
Currently, PHP-Textile can target either XHTML or HTML5 output with XHTML being the default for backward compatibility. The targeted doctype can be changed via the @setDocumentType@ method:
bc. $parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser
->parse(‘HTML(HyperText Markup Language)’);
h3. Setting alternate glyphs
Textile’s typographic substitutions can be overridden with the @setSymbol@ method. If you need to setup Textile to do non-standard substitutions, call @setSymbol@ before you parse the input with @parse@.
bc. $parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
->setSymbol(‘half’, ‘1⁄2’)
->parse(‘Hello [1/2] World!’);
The symbol names you can pass to @setSymbol@ can be found “here”:https://github.com/textile/php-textile/blob/v3.6.1/src/Netcarver/Textile/Parser.php#L710.
h3. Prefixing relative image and link paths
Setting prefix might be useful if you want to point relative paths to certain consistent location:
bc. $parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
->parse(‘!image.jpg! “link”:page’);
h2. Getting in contact
The PHP-Textile project welcomes constructive input and bug reports from users. Please “open an issue”:https://github.com/textile/php-textile/issues on the repository for a comment, feature request or bug.
h2. Development
See “CONTRIBUTING.textile”:https://github.com/textile/php-textile/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.textile.