PHP Validation

A simple, extensible validation library for PHP with support for filtering and validating any input array along with generating client side validation code.


Validation Library

A simple, extensible validation library for PHP with support
for filtering and validating any input array along with
generating client side validation code.

Build Status

0.0 Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Examples
  • Rule Reference
  • Running Tests
  • Troubleshooting
  • Changelog

1.0 Introduction

This library provides a simple way to validate an input
array against a set of rules. Input could come from $_POST
or any other data source.

Each field can have its own label, pre-filters and rules
applied to it. Rules extend a very simple interface, making
adding custom rules very easy. The Validator object itself
can be executed multiple times against different datasets,
making it very useful for processing dynamic data.

Additionally, validation rules can be generated for client
side scripts. Currently only jQuery Validate is supplied
but additional interfaces can be added easily.

2.0 Examples

use HybridLogic\Validation\Validator;
use HybridLogic\Validation\Rule;

$validator = new Validator();
	->set_label('name', 'first name')
	->set_label('email', 'email address')
	->set_label('password2', 'password confirmation')
	->add_filter('name', 'trim')
	->add_filter('email', 'trim')
	->add_filter('email', 'strtolower')
	->add_rule('name', new Rule\MinLength(5))
	->add_rule('name', new Rule\MaxLength(10))
	->add_rule('email', new Rule\MinLength(5))
	->add_rule('email', new Rule\Email())
	->add_rule('password', new Rule\Matches('password2'))

if($validator->is_valid($_POST)) {
} else {

More detailed examples can be found in ./examples.

3.0 Rule Reference

  • NotEmpty Makes this a required field
  • Equal Input must match provided string
  • NotEqual Input must not match provided string
  • Matches Input must match value of another field
  • InArray Input must be in an array of values
  • MinLength Input length must be greater than or equal to value
  • MaxLength Input length must be less than or equal to value
  • ExactLength Input length must be exactly value
  • Alpha Input can only contain a-z characters
  • AlphaNumeric Input can contain a-z and 0-9
  • AlphaSlug Input can contain a-z, 0-9, - and _
  • Regex Input must match provided regular expression
  • Email Input must be a valid email format
  • URL Input must be a valid URL format
  • IP Input must be a valid IPv4 or v6 address
  • True Input must be true e.g. checkbox
  • Number Input must be numeric e.g. -99 or 123.45
  • NumNatural Input must be an integer zero or above
  • NumMin Input value must be greater than or equal to value
  • NumMax Input value must be less than or equal to value
  • NumRange Input value must be between min and max values

4.0 Running Tests

phpunit tests

5.0 Troubleshooting


6.0 Changelog

  • [2012-12-08] Initial Version
  • [2013-01-02] First Release
  • [2013-01-04] Add more Rules and additional tests