Fully functional Open Source email marketing manager for creating, sending, integrating, and analysing email campaigns and newsletters.
Fully functional Open Source email marketing manager for creating, sending, integrating, and analysing email campaigns and newsletters: https://www.phplist.org
phpList includes analytics, segmentation, content personalisation, bounce processing, plugin-based architecture, and multiple APIs. Used in 95 countries, available in 20 languages, and used to send more than 25 billion campaign messages in 2018.
Deploy it on your own server, or get a hosted account at https://phplist.com.
If you’d like to use phpList for your own campaigns, or you just want to try phpList out, there is no need to do all the work of installing it yourself. phpList Hosted is free to use, just sign up to get started.
If at a later time you do want to migrate from your own installation to phpList Hosted, or vice versa, your data can be migrated.
Alternatively, you can try out the latest phpList release at phplist.org. This installation is wiped and refreshed every hour.
See Upgrading a manual installation
‘Use translate.phplist.org to translate the phpList admin interface.’
How to upgrade from any previous version to the latest version
How to upgrade from any previous version to the latest version
These files are:
or any other language.inc
if you have edited itYou can copy everything in the lists
directory in the tar file to your website. To facilitate future upgrades, ie to make it easier for you to simply copy everything I have now put the “configurable” files in their own directory. They reside in “lists/config”. This is hopefully going to be the directory that you can keep between upgrades, and that will contain the only information that you want to be changed in order to make it work for your own site.
Copy your configuration files to lists/config or re-edit the new config file sometimes new features are added to the config file, so it’s better to use the new config file and re-adapt it to your situation.
An example .htaccess exists file in this directory. You should not allow access to this directory from the webserver at all. The example will work with apache.
You can overwrite the files that are there. They are example files.
Click the link on this page.
This process may take quite a while if your database is large. Don’t interrupt it.
In the directory phplists/lists/texts
you will find existing translations of the public pages of phpList. You can use them in your config file to make the frontend of the system appear in the language of your choice.
In the config file there are a lot of choices to make about your particular installation. Make sure to read it carefully and step by step work your way through it. A lot of information is provided with each step.
phpList comes with Trevelin theme on default. Older versions than 3.4.6, include additionally Dressprow which is not currently maintained. Patches to Dressprow theme are still welcomed. Both themes are available for installation via GitHub.
To get the latest copy of each theme you should clone them individually into public_html/lists/admin/ui/
For the prerequisites of each and Installation guide on your development copy make sure you check the README files of the repos.
This project adheres to a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project and its community, you are expected to uphold this code.
phpList 3 is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3 Open Source license and is available free of charge.