A perfect image optimizer for Ruby



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Piet is a gem that optimizes an image stored in a file, and it has
integration with CarrierWave uploaders.

This gem is named after the minimalist Dutch painter Piet Mondrian.


This gem requires two image optimization utilities: optipng and
jpegoptim, available in various platforms such as Unix or Windows.
You can install them by following the instructions on each authors’

After installing both utils, simply install the gem:

gem install piet

Easy installation of binaries

While install binaries (like optipng, jpegoptim) is not a rocket science, it can be hard (or even impossible) for some people. Thinking on this a gem called piet-binary was created with theses binaries packed.
This is a good approach if you are using Heroku as your host provider, or if you are lazy or impatient 😉

After install piet, just install piet-binary and add to your Gemfile (if you are using Rails):

gem install piet-binary

And in your Gemfile

gem 'piet'
gem 'piet-binary'

PS 1: it’s optional to call piet in your Gemfile, because piet-binary already do this. The same is valid to install the gem via command-line: just install the piet-gem and it will install the piet for you.

PS 2: don’t forget to call ‘bundle install’ if you are using Rails


You simply require the gem

require 'piet'

and then call the optimize method:

Piet.optimize(path, opts)

Not that this will work not by just using the file extension, but by
MIME type detection, which should be more reliable.

The options are:

  • verbose: Whether you want to get the output of the command or not. It is interpreted as a Boolean value. Default: false.

  • quality: Adjust the output compression for JPEGs. Valid values are any integer between 0 and 100 (100 means no compression and highest quality). Default: 100

  • level: Adjust the optimization level for PNGs. Valid values are any integer between 0 and 7 (7 means highest compression and longest processing time). Default: 7

CarrierWave integration

As stated before, Piet can be integrated into CarrierWave uploaders.
This way, you can optimize the original image or a version.

In order to do that, firstly add piet to your Gemfile:

gem 'piet'

Then go to your CarrierWave uploader and include Piet’s extension:

class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  include Piet::CarrierWaveExtension

And finally use Piet! For all the images:

class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  process :optimize

Or only for a version:

class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  version :normal do
    process :optimize

To use custom options in the optimization:

class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  # To pass 1 hash as 1 argument
  # It needs to be put in an array
  # So in this example the actual call will look like:
  # ```
  # optimize({quality: 90, level: 7})
  # ```
  process optimize: [{quality: 90, level: 7}]


  • Simply Optimizing


would optimize those PNG, GIF and JPEG files but output nothing.

  • Optimizing PNG/GIF and getting feedback
Piet.optimize('/my/wonderful/pics/piggy.png', :verbose => true)

would optimize that PNG/GIF file and output something similar to this one:

** Processing: piggy.png
340x340 pixels, 4x8 bits/pixel, RGB+alpha
Input IDAT size = 157369 bytes
Input file size = 157426 bytes

  zc = 9  zm = 9  zs = 0  f = 1   IDAT size = 156966
  zc = 9  zm = 8  zs = 0  f = 1   IDAT size = 156932

Selecting parameters:
  zc = 9  zm = 8  zs = 0  f = 1   IDAT size = 156932

Output IDAT size = 156932 bytes (437 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 156989 bytes (437 bytes = 0.28% decrease)
  • Optimizing JPEG and getting feedback
Piet.optimize('/my/wonderful/pics/pony.jpg', :verbose => true)

would optimize that JPEG file and ouput similar to this one:

/my/wonderful/pics/pony.jpg 235x314 24bit JFIF  [OK] 15305 --> 13012 bytes (14.98%), optimized.


You can use Piet to convert 24/32-bit PNG images to paletted (8-bit) PNGs. The conversion reduces file sizes significantly and preserves full alpha transparency.

Simply use Piet like this:


Please note you have to install the binary in order to use the tool. Simply follow the instructions (and read more info about it) in the official site.

Thanks to @rogercampos for providing the awesome png_quantizator gem, which you can find here.


  • Add SVG optimization
  • Leave testing files out of the bundled gem
  • Binary tool for optimizing a file
  • Add some testing!


  • v.0.2.6 Strip metadata for PNGs (same way we do with JPEGs) thanks to @PikachuEXE.
  • v.0.2.5 Improved CI coverage & dropped support for Ruby 1.9
  • v.0.2.4 Fixed Gemfile issues!
  • v.0.2.3 More efficient treatment of open files thanks to @lavrovdv.
  • v.0.2.2 Lighter gem weight (to be improved in the future).
  • v.0.2.1 More reliable file type detection, by not using the extension but the MIME type. Thanks to @jewlofthelotus! Also, the Carrierwave
    extension is now compatible with RMagick thanks to @YoranBrondsema.
  • v.0.2.0 Users of the gem can now use piet-binary gem, and bug with filenames containing spaces, parentheses and some other characters is solved too, thanks to @loureirorg. Requiring png_quantizator when it’s due, thanks to @jayzes. Finally, specifying the gem version due to @jigfox interest.
  • v.0.1.3 Use png_quantizator gem instead of the own implementation.
  • v.0.1.2 Fixed some problems with missing processing, thanks to @lentg.
  • v.0.1.1 Added support for GIFs. Added an extra option to use pngquant (thanks @rogercampos). Solved problems with Carrierwave >= 0.6 (thanks @mllocs and @huacnlee).
  • v.0.1.0 Optimization of PNGs and JPEGs, including an integration with Carrierwave