pk scroll

Custom scrollbars written in plain JS, with jQuery and Angular wrappers featuring resize detection, mousewheel, touch and keyboard support




Functionality now integrated into pocketknife ui

Build Status

Customized scrollbars written in vanilla JS, complete with jQuery and angular wrappers (where libraries detected, neither are required).

Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required



pk-core.js and pk-core.css as well as pk-draggable.js and pk-draggable.css as a precursor


  • Automatic resize handling (change in dimensions of container or content)
  • Mobile touch / drag support
  • Keyboard support
  • Mouse wheel support
  • Relies on native scroll events not positional offsets


#####Plain Javascript

pk.scroll({element:document.getElementById('yourEl'), axis:'xy'});*

*You can use any means to retrieve a DOM node to pass to pk.scroll()




Simply include pk-scroll as an application dependancy, add the attribute pk-scroll and set to either x, y, or xy on the relevant element and the pkScroll directive will automatically apply.