A configuration as code language with rich validation and tooling.


= image:.idea/icon.svg[Pkl,30] Pkl

:uri-homepage: https://pkl-lang.org
:uri-docs: {uri-homepage}/main/current
:uri-docs-introduction: {uri-docs}/introduction
:uri-docs-release-notes: {uri-docs}/release-notes
:uri-docs-language: {uri-docs}/language
:uri-docs-tools: {uri-docs}/tools
:uri-github-issue: https://github.com/apple/pkl/issues
:uri-github-discussions: https://github.com/apple/pkl/discussions
:uri-pkl-examples: https://pkl-lang.org/main/current/examples.html
:uri-installation: https://pkl-lang.org/main/current/pkl-cli/index.html#installation
:uri-lang-reference: https://pkl-lang.org/main/current/language-reference/index.html
:uri-ci-artifacts: https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public/org/pkl-lang/
:uri-ci-pipeline: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/apple/pkl

A configuration as code language with rich validation and tooling.

== Quick Links

  • {uri-installation}[Installation]
  • {uri-lang-reference}[Language Reference]

== Documentation

  • {uri-homepage}[Home Page]
    ** {uri-docs-introduction}[Introduction]
    ** {uri-docs-language}[Language]
    ** {uri-docs-tools}[Tools]
    ** {uri-pkl-examples}[Examples]
    ** {uri-docs-release-notes}[Release Notes]

== Community

We’d love to hear from you!

  • Create an {uri-github-issue}[issue]
  • Ask a question on {uri-github-discussions}[GitHub Discussions]

== Development image:https://circleci.com/gh/apple/pkl.svg?style=svg[“Apple”, link=“https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/apple/pkl”]

  • link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[] for tips on pull requests and filing issues
  • link:DEVELOPMENT.adoc[] for build instructions
  • {uri-ci-artifacts}[Sonatype Repository] for the artifacts/binaries built by our {uri-ci-pipeline}[CI pipelines] (and those of our other tools and packages repositories).

== Pkl GitHub Repositories

|Name |Description

|A configuration as code language with rich validation and tooling.

|Suggested Pkl Improvements, Changes, or Enhancements (SPICEs)

|Pkl bindings for the Go programming language

|Examples for using Pkl within Go applications

|JetBrains editor plugins providing Pkl language support

|Examples for using Pkl within JVM applications

|Templates for using Pkl with Kubernetes

|Examples for using Pkl with Kubernetes

|The pkl-lang.org website

| Language server for Pkl, implementing the server-side of the Language Server Protocol

|Pkl language support for Neovim

|Documentation for Pkl packages

|Shared Pkl packages

|Utility libraries for Pkl

|Spring Boot extension for configuring Boot apps with Pkl

|Pkl bindings for the Swift programming language

|Examples for using Pkl within Swift applications

|Pkl language support for VS Code

|TextMate bundle for Pkl

| Bazel build rules for Pkl

|Tree-sitter parser for Pkl