Portofino 5 is the next generation of the open-source low-code web framework Portofino. Its purpose is to help developers create modern, responsive enterprise applications with REST APIs and an Angular UI.
Portofino is a low-code tool for building model-driven REST APIs and web applications.
It’s written in Java and extensible using Groovy, and it’s distributed under the LGPL
open-source license. It’s developed and supported by the company, ManyDesigns, based in Genova, Italy
You can use Portofino to create good-looking applications for the Web and mobile devices. The creation process can include:
The result is a fully functional web application with:
The application is designed to be incrementally extended and customized,
both graphically and in functionality (e.g., adding new buttons to existing pages, and corresponding actions on the server).
When existing extension points are not enough, completely custom REST resources and Angular components can be integrated,
while retaining the possibility to use built-in services through dependency injection (Spring).
Development can happen “PHP style”, i.e. by modifying a live application using only a text editor,
as well as “Java style”, by employing an IDE, a build system, release and deployment – but with a quick edit-refresh-test cycle.
Portofino is based on popular and proven open-source libraries such as Hibernate, Groovy, Apache Shiro, Spring, Angular and Angular Material, Jersey JAX-RS.
The home of Portofino is http://portofino.manydesigns.com. There you can find the documentation, pointers to community
resources (forums, wiki, issue tracker), commercial support.
Portofino is translated into several languages, thanks to Manydesigns and various contributors. Languages include English, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Arabic.
To get started, it’s useful to begin from the wiki on GitHub: https://github.com/ManyDesigns/Portofino/wiki/Getting-started-with-Portofino-5.
The official compiled distribution is hosted on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/portofino.
It requires no installation, just unzip it. It is a bundle of Apache Tomcat, Portofino and JDBC drivers for popular
open source databases.
This repository contains the source code of the framework. If you want to build it, see
https://github.com/ManyDesigns/Portofino/wiki/Building-from-source. It’s not necessary to build Portofino in order to use it.