
Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry (v2)



Portus is an authorization server and a user interface for the next generation
of the Docker registry. Portus targets version
of the
Docker Registry API. The minimum required version of Registry is 2.1, which is
the first version supporting soft deletes of blobs.

master v2.4 Code Climate
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Fine-grained control of permissions

Portus supports the concept of users and teams. Users have their own personal
Docker namespace where they have both read (aka docker pull) and write (aka
docker push) access. A team is a group of users that have read and write
access to a certain namespace. You can read more about this in our
documentation page about

Portus implements the token based authentication

described by the new version of the Docker registry. This can be used to have
full control over the images served by an instance of the Docker registry.

Web interface for Docker registry

Portus provides quick access to all the images available on your private
instance of Docker registry. User’s privileges are taken into account to make
sure private images (the ones requiring special rights also for docker pull)
are not shown to unauthorized personnel.


Portus allows you to host everything on your servers, on your own
infrastructure. You don’t have to trust a third-party service, just own
everything yourself. Take a look at our
documentation to read the different
setups in which you can deploy Portus.

And more!

Some highlights:

Take a tour by our documentation site to
read more about this.


There are multiple ways of setting up a development
. We
recommend using docker-compose, so you only need to perform:

$ docker-compose up

You can read more about this environment

Also, make sure to understand our contribution guidelines, as explained in
this document.


Unit tests

Unit tests are located in the spec directory. To run them, simply:

$ bundle exec rspec spec

Make sure to install phantomjs from your Linux
distribution before running unit tests, since feature tests rely on PhantomJS
being installed. All the other ruby dependencies are already covered by our

We also have tests in the frontend. For this, you have to install
yarn from your Linux distribution and run:

$ yarn test

Integration tests

Check this

in order to better understand how integration tests work. For development,
though, if you have already installed Docker, docker-composer and
bats, running the following should just

$ chmod +x bin/test-integration.sh
$ ./bin/test-integration.sh

Other checks

A common pitfall for developers is to forget about code style. For that, make
sure to run rubocop:

$ bundle exec rubocop -a

Note that the command above includes the -a flag. This flag will automatically
fix small issues for you. We also run a code style check for the frontend code:

$ yarn eslint

We also run brakeman in order to detect security

$ bundle exec brakeman

Last but not least, make sure that your git commit follows a proper style. To
ensure this, you can run the following task:

$ bundle exec rake test:git

Continuous Integration

We use Travis CI for continuous integration. You can
run what we run in Travis locally:

$ chmod +x bin/ci/run.sh
$ ./bin/ci/run.sh

This script simply executes all the tests and checks that we have presented


Portus is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See
LICENSE for the full
license text.