premailer rails

CSS styled emails without the hassle.



CSS styled emails without the hassle.

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This gem is a drop in solution for styling HTML emails with CSS without having
to do the hard work yourself.

Styling emails is not just a matter of linking to a stylesheet. Most clients,
especially web clients, ignore linked stylesheets or <style> tags in the HTML.
The workaround is to write all the CSS rules in the style attribute of each
tag inside your email. This is a rather tedious and hard to maintain approach.

Premailer to the rescue! The great premailer gem applies all CSS rules to each
matching HTML element by adding them to the style attribute. This allows you
to keep HTML and CSS in separate files, just as you’re used to from web
development, thus keeping your sanity.

This gem is an adapter for premailer to work with actionmailer out of the box.
Actionmailer is the email framework used in Rails, which also works outside of
Rails. Although premailer-rails has certain Rails specific features, it also
works in the absence of Rails
making it compatible with other frameworks such
as sinatra.

How It Works

premailer-rails works with actionmailer by registering a delivery hook. This
causes all emails that are delivered to be processed by premailer-rails. This
means that by simply including premailer-rails in your Gemfile you’ll get
styled emails without having to set anything up.

Whenever premailer-rails processes an email, it collects the URLs of all linked
stylesheets (<link rel="stylesheet" href="css_url">). Then, for each of these
URLs, it tries to get the content through a couple of strategies. As long as
a strategy does not return anything, the next one is used. The strategies
available are:

  • :filesystem: If there’s a file inside public/ with the same path as in
    the URL, it is read from disk. E.g. if the URL is the contents of the file located
    at public/assets/email.css gets returned if it exists.

  • :asset_pipeline: If Rails is available and the asset pipeline is enabled,
    the file is retrieved through the asset pipeline. E.g. if the URL is, the file
    email.css is requested from the asset pipeline. That is, the fingerprint
    and the prefix (in this case assets is the prefix) are stripped before
    requesting it from the asset pipeline.

  • :network: As a last resort, the URL is simply requested and the response
    body is used. This is useful when the assets are not bundled in the
    application and only available on a CDN. On Heroku e.g. you can add assets
    to your .slugignore causing your assets to not be available to the app
    (and thus resulting in a smaller app) and deploy the assets to a CDN such
    as S3/CloudFront.

You can configure which strategies you want to use as well as specify their
order. Refer to the Configuration section for more on this.

Note that the retrieved CSS is cached when the gem is running with Rails in


Simply add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'premailer-rails'

premailer-rails and premailer require a gem that is used to parse the email’s
HTML. For a list of supported gems and how to select which one to use, please
refer to the Adapter
of premailer. Note
that there is no hard dependency from either gem so you should add one yourself.
Also note that this gem is only tested with nokogiri.


Premailer itself accepts a number of options. In order for premailer-rails to
pass these options on to the underlying premailer instance, specify them
as follows (in Rails you could do that in an initializer such as

Premailer::Rails.config.merge!(preserve_styles: true, remove_ids: true)

For a list of options, refer to the premailer documentation. The default
configs are:

  input_encoding: 'UTF-8',
  generate_text_part: true,
  strategies: [:filesystem, :asset_pipeline, :network]

If you don’t want to automatically generate a text part from the html part, set
the config :generate_text_part to false.

Note that the options :with_html_string and :css_string are used internally
by premailer-rails and thus will be overridden.

If you’re using this gem outside of Rails, you’ll need to call
Premailer::Rails.register_interceptors manually in order for it to work. This
is done ideally in some kind of initializer, depending on the framework you’re

premailer-rails reads all stylesheet <link> tags, inlines the linked CSS
and removes the tags. If you wish to ignore a certain tag, e.g. one that links to
external fonts such as Google Fonts, you can add a data-premailer="ignore"


premailer-rails processes all outgoing emails by default. If you wish to skip
premailer for a certain email, simply set the :skip_premailer header:

class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def welcome_email(user)
    mail to:,
         subject: 'Welcome to My Awesome Site',
         skip_premailer: true

Note that the mere presence of this header causes premailer to be skipped, i.e.,
even setting skip_premailer: false will cause premailer to be skipped. The
reason for that is that the skip_premailer is a simple header and the value is
transformed into a string, causing 'false' to become truthy.

Emails are only processed upon delivery, i.e. when calling #deliver on the
email, or when previewing them in
If you wish to manually trigger the inlining, you can do so by calling the hook:

mail = SomeMailer.some_message(args)

This will modify the email in place, useful e.g. in tests.

Supported Rails Versions

This gem is tested on Rails versions 5 through 7.

For Rails 7, it support both the classical Sprockets asset pipeline as well as the new Propshaft gem.

If you’re looking to integrate with Webpacker, check out these instructions.

Small Print


Philipe Fatio (@fphilipe)


premailer-rails is released under the MIT license. See the license file.