
Vue Radix UI Primitives 1:1 . Components, icons, colors, and templates for building high-quality, accessible UI. Free and open-source.

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Oku Primitives

An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps.

Oku Primitives is a low-level UI component library with a focus on accessibility, customization and developer experience. You can use these components either as the base layer of your design system or adopt them incrementally.

Website: Oku Website


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Enter the component you want most in the components, leave the emojis and follow.

Developers can work on unclaimed components



Component Status πŸ”— Hook v1 πŸ‘€ Visual Check πŸ“„ Docs πŸ“ Note
Accordion βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
AlertDialog βœ… Completed βœ…
AspectRatio βœ… Completed βœ…
Avatar βœ… Completed βœ… πŸ”¨ PR from Radix
Checkbox βœ… Completed βœ… πŸ”§ Needs input
Collapsible βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
Context Menu βœ… Completed βœ…
Dialog βœ… Completed βœ…
DropdownMenu βœ… Completed βœ…
Form ❌ Not Started ❌
HoverCard βœ… Completed βœ… πŸ”§ Needs polygon; fix close
Label βœ… Completed βœ…
Menubar βœ… Completed βœ…
NavigationMenu 🚧 In Progress 🚧
Popover βœ… Completed βœ…
Progress βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
RadioGroup βœ… Completed βœ… πŸ”§ Needs input
ScrollArea βœ… Completed βœ…
Select 🚧 In Progress 🚧
Separator βœ… Completed βœ…
Slider βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
Switch βœ… Completed βœ… πŸ”§ Needs input
Tabs βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
Toast βœ… Completed βœ…
ToggleGroup βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
Toggle βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
Toolbar βœ… Completed βœ… πŸ”§ Focus on MouseDown
Tooltip βœ… Completed βœ…


Utility Status πŸ”— Hook v1 πŸ‘€ Visual Check πŸ“„ Docs πŸ“ Note
Collection 🚧 Partial βœ… πŸ”§ Needs array items
DismissableLayer 🚧 Partial βœ… πŸ”§ Dismissable like Solid.js
FocusScope βœ… Completed βœ…
Menu βœ… Completed βœ…
Popper βœ… Completed βœ… πŸ”§ Needs Arrow
Portal βœ… Completed ❌ πŸ”§ Dismissable like Solid.js
Presence βœ… Completed βœ…
Primitives βœ… Completed ❌
RovingFocusGroup βœ… Completed βœ… βœ…
Slot βœ… Completed ❌ πŸ”§ Remove VDom
VisuallyHidden βœ… Completed ❌


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Thanks to @radix_ui for the inspiration and the great work they’ve done with Radix Primitives. We proceed through the initial stages of many codes by looking at them.

Thanks to Johnson Chu @johnsoncodehk. Supported me with many issues that I was stuck in Typescript.

Thanks to Daniel Roe @danielroe. Nuxt has helped me in many areas so far.

Thanks to Kevin Deng @sxzz. Helped me a lot with the issues I was stuck in Vue. and Vue Macros is a great project.



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See LICENSE for more information.