
This tool is an OS X console application, which processes the test summaries from xcresults, to extract the last screenshots and to generate a JUnit report xml file (as a better alternative to xcpretty tool), for the unit and UI tests written in Xcode



This tool is an OS X console application which processes the test summaries from xcresults to extract the last screenshots and to generate a JUnit report xml file (as a better alternative to xcpretty tool), for the unit and UI tests written in Xcode.


  • parses the xcodebuild source of truth document to get the tests results in a JUnit report
  • if a test fails with a fatal error, that will still appear in the JUnit report as failure
  • an output log of the UI elements interactions is attached to each failed test in the report
  • links to the last screeshots are logged in the output section of the test report if --buildUrl is passed. --buildUrl needs to be set to $BUILD_URL Jenkins environment variable. Make sure $LAST_SCREENSHOTS_PATH folder and $REPORTS_PATH folder are different, and are in Jenkins workspace folder
  • the crash log for each failed test will be saved under CrashLogs/ folder under JUnit report path
  • the last screenshots are saved for each test in a separate folder in $LAST_SCREENSHOTS_PATH path and in the order they were created in test
  • the consecutive identical screenshots can be excluded, to save just the relevant screenshots
  • the generated files can be easily added as artifacts in Jenkins for the tests job
  • supports Xcode 9’s parallel testing. Multiple test results are placed in numbered subdirectories and reports are differentiated by device name & iOS version

Usage e.g:

xcodebuild -derivedDataPath $DERIVED_DATA_PATH test

cd Build/Products/Release/

ProcessTestSummaries --logsTestPath $DERIVED_DATA_PATH/Logs/Test --jUnitReportPath $REPORTS_PATH/unitTestResult.xml --screenshotsPath $LAST_SCREENSHOTS_PATH --screenshotsCount 10 --buildUrl $BUILD_URL --excludeIdenticalScreenshots

*For the tests run with Xcode 10, use --logsTestPath $DERIVED_DATA_PATH/Logs/Test/*.xcresult or --logsTestPath $DERIVED_DATA_PATH/Logs/Test/*.xcresult/*_Test

IDE, source code language supported:

Xcode 11, Swift 5

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