protonmail macos

Experimental email client for the ProtonMail service written in Swift.


ProtonMail for macOS

Experimental email client for the ProtonMail service written in Swift.



A pet project, largely incomplete and missing major features. Could be used for reading emails at best at the moment.

What’s working?

  1. User authentication (via ProtonMail’s web service)
  2. Loading conversations and messages (including inline attachments or remote content)
  3. Loading custom folders and labels
  4. Navigating between folders and labels
  5. Applying labels, moving conversations and messages between folders
  6. Starring conversations and messages
  7. Paging, sort of

What’s missing?

  1. Composer (sending emails)
  2. Search
  3. Downloading attachments
  4. Updating “read” status without opening the message
  5. Deleting messages
  6. Editing custom folders and labels
  7. App lock?
  8. Menu bar items
  9. User preferences
  10. Continuous mailbox scroll should be preferred over paging
  11. Support for macOS Catalina?
  12. Tests, tests, tests
  13. Loads of other QoL features


Clean Swift (variation of VIPER) with three major scenes: sidebar, mailbox and details. Built using AppKit and Auto Layout. The app uses the standard NSSplitViewController with three items to build the common email client interface.



ProtonMail has announced plans for releasing their own desktop client at some point in 2022 so it’s unlikely this project is going to amount to anything. If you still feel like contributing to a project like this you are certainly welcome to do so!


The code and data files in this distribution are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See for a copy of this license.

Uses software developed by ProtonMail.