proxy scraper checker

HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 proxies scraper and checker with support of determining exit-node's geolocation for each proxy.





HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 proxies scraper and checker.

  • Can determine if the proxy is anonymous.
  • Supports determining the geolocation of the proxy exit node.
  • Can sort proxies by speed.
  • Uses regex to find proxies of format protocol://username:password@host:port on a web page or in a local file, allowing proxies to be extracted even from json without code changes.
  • Supports proxies with authentication.
  • It is possible to specify the URL to which to send a request to check the proxy.
  • Supports saving to plain text and json.
  • Asynchronous.

You can get proxies obtained using this project in monosans/proxy-list.

Installation and usage

Standalone executable

This is the easiest way, but it is only available for x86-64 Windows, x86-64/arm64 macOS and x86-64 Linux. Just download the archive for your OS from, unzip it, edit config.toml and run the proxy_scraper_checker executable.

If Windows antivirus detects the executable file as a virus, please read this.


Running from source code


  • Install Python. Supported versions are 3.9 to 3.12. The recommended version is 3.12.
  • Download and unpack the archive with the program.
  • Edit config.toml to your preference.
  • Run the script that installs dependencies and starts proxy-scraper-checker:
    • On Windows run start.cmd
    • On Unix-like operating systems run


To use proxy-scraper-checker in Termux, knowledge of the Unix command-line interface is required.

  • Download Termux from F-Droid. Don’t download it from Google Play.
  • Run the following command (it will automatically update Termux packages, install Python, and download and install proxy-scraper-checker):
    bash <(curl -fsSL '')
  • Edit ~/proxy-scraper-checker/config.toml to your preference using a text editor (vim/nano).
  • To run proxy-scraper-checker use the following command:
    cd ~/proxy-scraper-checker && sh

Something else?

All other info is available in config.toml file.



This product includes GeoLite2 Data created by MaxMind, available from