
This is the gem that consist of generator, to generate files to play with polish payment service



h1. rails-przelewy24 gem

h2. What it is?

  • This is the gem that consist of generator, to generate files to play with polish payment service “”:
  • Generator creates model, controller and views for dealing with Przelewy24.

h2. What for?

  • Application that have products to sell finally sends the form to Przelewy24 service. All transaction security and verification is held by generated files and Przelewy24 side.

h2. Installation on Rails 3 app

Add this to your Gemfile
@gem ‘rails-przelewy24’@

Then install it
@bundle install@

Generate the files for Przelewy24 with ModelName and Przelewy24 SellerID
@rails generate przelewy24 payment 1034@

and you are free to connect your product/services models with generated files so they can provide you with connection to the service.

h2. Contribute

Thanks for forking and helping!

major issues:

  • rspecs or tests to gem needs to be done

h3. License

Copyright © 2010 [“Jakub Godawa”:], released under the MIT license