Transforms puppet DSL source code to make it comply with the style guide
Puppet DSL source code cleaner and helper utilities
sudo gem install puppet-cleaner
Receives a puppet manifest file as input and outputs the result of
applying the set of transformation rules that you select. If no options
are selected all of them are applied, which currently is a subset of the
puppet style guide.
Note: the use of ${}
for variable interpolation in strings and the
replacement of double with single quotes when possible are done by default
and are not optional.
puppet-clean [-h] [-t n] [-abedlmovw ] file.pp [file2.pp...]
-h, --help this help message
-d, --debug prints tokens before and after the transformation
-a, --alignfarrow aligns fat arrows (`=>`)
-b, --quotedbooleans removes unneeded quotes around boolean literals
-e, --ensurefirst moves `ensure` attribute to the top
-l, --link declares symbolic links by using `ensure => link` and `target` attributes
-m, --mlcomments converts /* */ style comments to #
-o, --octalmode represents file modes as a 4 digits string
-r, --resourcetitles quotes resource titles
-t n, --softtabs n indents by n spaces
-v, --quotedvariables removes unneeded quotes around variables
-w, --trailingws removes trailing white space
Receives two puppet manifest files and outputs its difference, after
converting them to YAML. Useful for verifying what (if anything) has
changed after applying puppet-clean.
puppet-diff [-h] [-w] old.pp new.pp
-h, --help this help message
-w, --write write a YAML file for each pp file if they are different
Receives a puppet manifest file and converts its objects (defined types,
classes and nodes) to YAML.
puppet-inspect file.pp
You can mail me directly if you need help or have any feedback to share.