
Purgeable memory allocations for Linux


Purgeable Memory Allocations for Linux

Purgeable memory is a contiguous allocation that can be reclaimed by the
kernel at any time while unlocked. Before accessing or using the
allocation, it must be locked, and then unlocked when no longer in
active use. See purgeable.h for API documentation.

Full article: Purgeable Memory Allocations for Linux

void *purgeable_alloc(size_t);
void  purgeable_unlock(void *);
void *purgeable_lock(void *);
void  purgeable_free(void *);

This idea was inspired by OS hacking: Purgeable memory

To test it out, disable swap (swapoff), run one or more instances of
test, then run hog. As hog consumes more and more memory (before
being killed by the OOM killer), instances of test will see their
regions get reclaimed and exit.