cross-platform Azure Service Bus explorer (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
Purple Explorer is a cross-platform desktop application built with .NET 6.
It’s a simple tool to help you:
^ NOTE: These marked actions require receiving all the messages up to the selected message and this increases DeliveryCount. Be aware that there can be consequences to other messages in the subscription.
Win-x64, macOS-x64, macOS-arm64 and linux-x64 pre-built binaries can be found on Releases page.
Note that you need to have .Net 6 installed first.
Right-click -> Open
You can allow windows defender to start this application:
click on More Info -> Run anyway
Right-click -> Open
You can allow macOS to start this application by enabling Developer tools for Terminal:
System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy, select “Developer Tools” on the left, check terminal on the right.
You can make PurpleExplorer
file executable by:
chmod +x PurpleExplorer
Right-click -> Run