
The Purr programming language — a small, portable functional language for writing highly concurrent web servers.



Purr is a small functional language designed for writing concurrent
web-servers. It focuses on ease of development, security and concurrency.

(See the Rationale page
for more details)


The language is still in REALLY EARLY STAGES of development. While it’s
usable, there’s absolutely no optimisations in the compiler whatsoever, and
the standard library and tooling are lacking many features. Do note also that
the language is constantly changing at this stage.

Getting started

You’ll need to clone the repository, install the dependencies, and compile the
Sweet.js/OMeta files (you’ll need Make, and Node properly installed).

$ git clone git://github.com/robotlolita/purr.git
$ cd purr
$ npm install
$ make all
$ bin/ipurr
Type :quit to exit (or ^D).
*** Loaded the Prelude from: /home/queen/Projects/PLs/purr/Platform/Prelude.purr

> "Hello, world"
=> (<string>) Hello, World

To run files, use the purr command:

$ bin/purr some-file.purr


  • The Wiki has some information on the project.
  • The Gitter chat is used for discussing project-related things.
  • #purr-lang on the Freenode IRC network.