This gem is a wrapper to send push notifications to devices. Currently it only sends to Android or iOS devices, but more platforms will be added soon. With APNS (Apple Push Notifications Service) you can send push notifications to Apple devices. With GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) you can send push notifications to Android devices.
Pushmeup is an attempt to create an push notifications center that could send push to devices like:
Currently we have only support for iOS
, Android
and Kindle Fire
but we are planning code for more plataforms.
$ gem install pushmeup
or add to your Gemfile
gem 'pushmeup'
and install it with
$ bundle install
Run the following command to convert the p12
to a pem
$ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -out cert.pem -nodes -clcerts
After you have created your pem
file. Set the host, port and certificate file location on the APNS class. You just need to set this once: = ''
# is default and only for development
# is only for production
APNS.port = 2195
# this is also the default. Shouldn't ever have to set this, but just in case Apple goes crazy, you can.
APNS.pem = '/path/to/pem/file'
# this is the file you just created
APNS.pass = ''
# Just in case your pem need a password
device_token = '123abc456def'
APNS.send_notification(device_token, 'Hello iPhone!' )
APNS.send_notification(device_token, :alert => 'Hello iPhone!', :badge => 1, :sound => 'default')
device_token = '123abc456def'
n1 =, 'Hello iPhone!' )
n2 =, :alert => 'Hello iPhone!', :badge => 1, :sound => 'default')
APNS.send_notifications([n1, n2])
All notifications passed as a parameter will be sent on a single connection, this is done to improve
reliability with APNS servers.
# Define that you want persistent connection
device_token = '123abc456def'
# Send single notifications
APNS.send_notification(device_token, 'Hello iPhone!' )
APNS.send_notification(device_token, :alert => 'Hello iPhone!', :badge => 1, :sound => 'default')
# Send multiple notifications
n1 =, 'Hello iPhone!' )
n2 =, :alert => 'Hello iPhone!', :badge => 1, :sound => 'default')
APNS.send_notifications([n1, n2])
# Stop persistence, from this point each new push will open and close connections
APNS.send_notification(device_token, :alert => 'Hello iPhone!', :badge => 1, :sound => 'default',
:other => {:sent => 'with apns gem', :custom_param => "value"})
this will result in a payload like this:
{"aps":{"alert":"Hello iPhone!","badge":1,"sound":"default"},"sent":"with apns gem", "custom_param":"value"}
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
// Register with apple that this app will use push notification
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound | UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge)];
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
// Show the device token obtained from apple to the log
NSLog("deviceToken: %", deviceToken);
} = ''
# is default
GCM.format = :json
# :json is default and only available at the moment
GCM.key = "123abc456def"
# this is the apiKey obtained from here
destination = ["device1", "device2", "device3"]
# can be an string or an array of strings containing the regIds of the devices you want to send
data = {:key => "value", :key2 => ["array", "value"]}
# must be an hash with all values you want inside you notification
GCM.send_notification( destination )
# Empty notification
GCM.send_notification( destination, data )
# Notification with custom information
GCM.send_notification( destination, data, :collapse_key => "placar_score_global", :time_to_live => 3600, :delay_while_idle => false )
# Notification with custom information and parameters
for more information on parameters check documentation: GCM | Android Developers
destination1 = "device1"
destination2 = ["device2"]
destination3 = ["device1", "device2", "device3"]
# can be an string or an array of strings containing the regIds of the devices you want to send
data1 = {:key => "value", :key2 => ["array", "value"]}
# must be an hash with all values you want inside you notification
options1 = {:collapse_key => "placar_score_global", :time_to_live => 3600, :delay_while_idle => false}
# options for the notification
n1 =, data1, options1)
n2 =, data2)
n3 =, data3, options2)
GCM.send_notifications( [n1, n2, n3] )
# In this case, every notification has his own parameters
for more information on parameters check documentation: GCM | Android Developers
Check this link GCM: Getting Started
You can use multiple keys to send notifications, to do it just do this changes in the code
GCM.key = { :key1 => "123abc456def", :key2 => "456def123abc" }
# the ``:key1`` and the ``:key2`` can be any object, they can be the projectID, the date, the version, doesn't matter.
# The only restrain is: they need to be valid keys for a hash.
# For single notification
GCM.send_notification( destination, :identity => :key1 )
# Empty notification
GCM.send_notification( destination, data, :identity => :key1 )
# Notification with custom information
GCM.send_notification( destination, data, :collapse_key => "placar_score_global", :time_to_live => 3600, :delay_while_idle => false, :identity => :key1 )
# Notification with custom information and parameters
# For multiple notifications
options1 = {}
options2 = {..., :identity => :key2}
n1 =, data1, options1.merge({:identity => :key2}))
n2 =, data2, :identity => :key1)
n3 =, data3, options2)
GCM.send_notifications( [n1, n2, n3] )
# In this case, every notification has his own parameters, options and key
FIRE.client_id = "amzn1.application-oa2-client.12345678sdfgsdfg"
# this is the Client ID obtained from your Security Profile Management on amazon developers
FIRE.client_secret = "fkgjsbegksklwr863485245ojowe345"
# this is the Client Secret obtained from your Security Profile Management on amazon developers
destination = "tydgfhewgnwe37586329586ejthe93053th346hrth3t"
# can be an string or an array of strings containing the regId of the device you want to send
data = {:key => "value", :key2 => "some value2"}
# must be an hash with all values you want inside you notification, strings only, no arrays
FIRE.send_notification( destination )
# Empty notification
FIRE.send_notification( destination, data )
# Notification with custom information
FIRE.send_notification( destination, data, :consolidationKey => "placar_score_global", :expiresAfter => 3600)
# Notification with custom information and parameters
for more information on parameters check documentation: [Amazon Messaging | Developers]( Format)
destination1 = "device1"
destination2 = ["device2"]
destination3 = ["device1", "device2", "device3"]
# can be an string or an array of strings containing the regIds of the devices you want to send
data1 = {:key => "value", :key2 => ["array", "value"]}
# must be an hash with all values you want inside you notification
options1 = {:consolidationKey => "placar_score_global", :expiresAfter => 3600}
# options for the notification
n1 =, data1, options1)
n2 =, data2)
n3 =, data3, options2)
FIRE.send_notifications( [n1, n2, n3] )
# In this case, every notification has his own parameters
for more information on parameters check documentation: [Amazon Messaging | Developers]( Format)
Check this link Amazon Messaging: Getting Started
We would be very pleased if you want to help us!
Currently we need a lot of testing so if you are good at writing tests please help us
Pushmeup is released under the MIT license: