
pythia: multi-language frontend compiler and python transpiler



Multi-language compiler frontend and Python based transpiler, integrated with OSv, and optimized for translation to: C++14 and JavaScript.
Pythia can translate Python scripts (.py files), and multi-language/multi-data projects contained in Markdown (.md files).



C++ Example

The C++ translator can convert Python directly into C++14, most of the time line by line,
without any magic.

def foo( a ):
	return a + 1

def main():
	x = foo(2)
	assert x==3

The translator output is made more human readable by using auto to make the C++ compiler guess the type of a and return type of foo

auto foo(auto a) {
	return (a + 1);
int main() {
	auto x = foo(2);
	if (!(( x == 3 ))) {throw std::runtime_error("assertion failed: ( x == 3 )"); }
	return 0;

Javascript Example

The same example above is translated into this Javascript.

var foo =  function foo(a){
	return (a + 1);

var main =  function main(){
	var x;
	x = foo(2);
	if (!(x === 3)) {throw new Error("assertion failed"); }

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