A framework and command line interface for reinforcement learning development



A reinforcement learning framework and command line tool.

Get it

pip install q2
q2 --help

Use it

Make a folder, cd to it, then run

q2 init

to generate a new reinforcement learning project.


Documentation is available at https://q2.readthedocs.io/.


  1. You’ll need Python >= 3.5 (this is because q2 makes use of type annotations)
  2. Clone this repository
  3. I recommend setting up a virtual env in which to develop: python -m venv env
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt

To test out the command line tools from your working copy of q2, run

pip install -e .

then run

q2 --help

to test that it worked.


If you want to submit a bug fix or minor change, feel free to make a pull request.

If you want to discuss bigger improvements, send an email to tdbalcorn at gmail dot com.