quora for college

This is a final year project facilitating api to all students of the any college to ask questions on the open forum platform.


🏫 Quora for College 🏫

πŸ’‘ Inspiration -

We are trying to develop a web application that would be sort of Quora but specifically dedicated to college(s). The main problem we are trying to solve is that the juniors don’t know about their seniors or vise versa and they have no means of establishing communication with them. That’s when the application of our software comes into the picture. We have built centralized api which can be used by organisations directly into their portal to quickly facilitate faq’s and general questions.

Ways to use this API -

  1. Pulling the API container image
  2. Forking/Clonning and running Scripts

Ways to use entire application (With demo frontend) -

  1. Pulling the Application container image
  2. Forking/Clonning and running application

🍴 Forking/Clonning and running api Scripts -

  1. Follow the forking, clonning and local environment setup steps as mentioned here
  2. Navigate to /server folder
  3. Run npm start or npm run start:dev to start prod or dev environment as you like
  4. Go to your api testing tool or application where you need to use this api
  5. Implement the Routes Available

🍴 Forking/Clonning and running application (demo frontend) -

  1. Follow the forking, clonning and local environment setup steps as mentioned here
  2. Run npm start or npm run start to start prod or dev environment as you like
  3. Wait until you are redirected to your browser and a demo frontend is displayed

🐳 Pulling the API container image -

  1. Go to Container Registray Page
  2. Make sure you have docker download, installed and checked on their hello world image
  3. Run Docker command docker pull ghcr.io/kaiwalyakoparkar/quora-for-college-api:latest
  4. Make sure you are in /quora-for-college/server directory
  5. Now run command docker-compose up --build. This will build and start the backend container with the database
  6. Now move to api testing tool or application and use available routes to use the API

🐳 Pulling the Application container image -

  1. Go to Container Registray Page
  2. Make sure you have docker download, installed and checked on their hello world image
  3. Run Docker command docker pull ghcr.io/kaiwalyakoparkar/quora-for-college:latest
  4. Make sure you are in /quora-for-college directory
  5. Test out the project with demo frontend in the browser

πŸ›€ Routes Available -

✨ Questions Routes

🚩 1. GET /api/v1/questions

Gets all the questions in the database. The typical response looks like

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "result": 3,
    "data": {
        "questions": [
                "_id": "61dd4b66875fa2ba15492c65",
                "userQuestioner": "Kaiwalya Koparkar",
                "questionTitle": "This is a question 1",
                "questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
                "questionTag": "Courses",
                "upvotes": 10,
                "downvotes": 3,
                "answers": [
                "id": "61dd4b66875fa2ba15492c65"

🚩 2. GET /api/v1/questions/<question id>

Gets specific question from large questions data. The question id here is given by the database.

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "question": {
            "_id": "61dd4b66875fa2ba15492c65",
            "userQuestioner": "Kaiwalya Koparkar",
            "questionTitle": "This is a question 1",
            "questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
            "questionTag": "Courses",
            "upvotes": 10,
            "downvotes": 3,
            "answers": [
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61dd4b66875fa2ba15492c65"

🚩 3. POST /api/v1/questions/

This routes helps the user to add questions to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "userQuestioner": "Test User",
	"questionTitle": "This is a test question",
	"questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
	"questionTag": "Sports"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "question": {
            "userQuestioner": "Test User",
            "questionTitle": "This is a test question",
            "questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
            "questionTag": "Sports",
            "upvotes": 0,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "answers": [],
            "_id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327",
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327"

🚩 4. PATCH /api/v1/questions/<question-id>

This routes helps the user to update question to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "userQuestioner": "Test User (Changed)"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "question": {
            "_id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327",
            "userQuestioner": "Test User (Changed)",
            "questionTitle": "This is a test question",
            "questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
            "questionTag": "Sports",
            "upvotes": 0,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "answers": [],
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327"

🚩 5. PATCH /api/v1/questions/<question-id>

This routes helps the user to upvote a question to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "upvotes": "0"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "question": {
            "_id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327",
            "userQuestioner": "Test User (Changed)",
            "questionTitle": "This is a test question",
            "questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
            "questionTag": "Sports",
            "upvotes": 1,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "answers": [],
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327"

🚩 6. PATCH /api/v1/questions/<question-id>

This routes helps the user to upvote a question to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "downvotes": "0"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "question": {
            "_id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327",
            "userQuestioner": "Test User (Changed)",
            "questionTitle": "This is a test question",
            "questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
            "questionTag": "Sports",
            "upvotes": 1,
            "downvotes": 1,
            "answers": [],
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327"

🚩 7. DELETE /api/v1/questions/<question-id>

This routes helps the user to upvote a question to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "question": {
            "_id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327",
            "userQuestioner": "Test User (Changed)",
            "questionTitle": "This is a test question",
            "questionDescription": "This is the description of the question",
            "questionTag": "Sports",
            "upvotes": 1,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "answers": [],
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e4278c7d95535e6005f327"

✨ Answers Routes

🚩 1. GET /api/v1/answers

Gets all the answers in the database. The typical response looks like

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "result": 3,
    "data": {
        "answers": [
                "_id": "61dd46f03cecd228e9df643a",
                "userAnswerer": "Mrunaal Chincholikar",
                "answer": "This is the answer 2",
                "upvotes": 24,
                "downvotes": 1,
                "id": "61dd46f03cecd228e9df643a"

🚩 2. GET /api/v1/answers/<answer id>

Gets specific answer from large answers data. The answer id here is given by the database.

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "answer": {
            "_id": "61dd46f03cecd228e9df643a",
            "userAnswerer": "Mrunaal Chincholikar",
            "answer": "This is the answer 2",
            "upvotes": 24,
            "downvotes": 1,
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61dd46f03cecd228e9df643a"

🚩 3. POST /api/v1/answers/<question-id>

This routes helps the user to add answers to the database or application for the specific question provided in params

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "userAnswerer": "Test",
    "answer": "This is the test answer 2"

And ideal response will look like (Also the question will have record of this answer)

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "answer": {
            "userAnswerer": "Test",
            "answer": "This is the test answer 2",
            "upvotes": 0,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "_id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b",
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b"

🚩 4. PATCH /api/v1/answers/<answer-id>

This routes helps the user to update answer to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "userAnswerer": "Test User (Changed)"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "answer": {
            "_id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b",
            "userAnswerer": "Test User (Changed)",
            "answer": "This is the test answer 2",
            "upvotes": 0,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b"

🚩 5. PATCH /api/v1/answers/<answer-id>

This routes helps the user to upvote a answer to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "upvotes": "0"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "answer": {
            "_id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b",
            "userAnswerer": "Test User (Changed)",
            "answer": "This is the test answer 2",
            "upvotes": 1,
            "downvotes": 0,
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b"

🚩 6. PATCH /api/v1/answers/<answer-id>

This routes helps the user to upvote an answer to the database or application

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "downvotes": "0"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "answer": {
            "_id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b",
            "userAnswerer": "Test User (Changed)",
            "answer": "This is the test answer 2",
            "upvotes": 1,
            "downvotes": 1,
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b"

🚩 7. DELETE /api/v1/answers/<answer-id>

This routes helps the user to upvote a answer to the database or application also it will delete it’s record from concerned question document

Example 1:

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "answer": {
            "_id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b",
            "userAnswerer": "Test User (Changed)",
            "answer": "This is the test answer 2",
            "upvotes": 1,
            "downvotes": 1,
            "__v": 0,
            "id": "61e42adf7d95535e6005f33b"

✨ Users Routes

🚩 1. POST /api/v1/users/login

This routes helps the user to log in to the application


An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "This is password"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "success",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYxZTE4Y2FmYWYzYWYyMjY1ZTY1M2JlNSIsImlhdCI6MTY0MjM0NDE4MywiZXhwIjoxNjUwMTIwMTgzfQ.rxHCh2b4gmGegFeuLJktrxnQ5MxsbOh5jEXKTovooxg",
    "data": {
        "user": {
            "_id": "61e18cafaf3af2265e653be5",
            "name": "Student User",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "yearOfAdmission": 2019,
            "courseYear": "TY",
            "currentStatus": "Student",
            "role": "Student",
            "questionsAsked": [],
            "questionsAnswered": 2,
            "active": "true",
            "__v": 0,
            "about": "I am a Computer Engineering Student"

🚩 2. POST /api/v1/users/signup

This routes helps the new user to sign in to the application


An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "name" : "Test User",
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "password" : "This is password",
    "passwordConfirm" : "This is password",
    "yearOfAdmission": 2017,
    "courseYear": "Prof",
    "currentStatus": "Professor"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "success",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYxZTQyZjM5N2Q5NTUzNWU2MDA1ZjM0OSIsImlhdCI6MTY0MjM0NDI0OSwiZXhwIjoxNjUwMTIwMjQ5fQ.vSffyAezxOCPJjkFbvMktPbgd9kk_3AB3h9VkGY4t3M",
    "data": {
        "user": {
            "name": "Test User",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "yearOfAdmission": 2017,
            "courseYear": "Prof",
            "currentStatus": "Professor",
            "role": "Student",
            "questionsAsked": [],
            "questionsAnswered": 0,
            "active": "true",
            "_id": "61e42f397d95535e6005f349",
            "__v": 0

🚩 3. GET /api/v1/users/logout

This routes helps the user to log out of the application


An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "Success"

🚩 4. GET /api/v1/users/ (Admin role only)

This routes helps the admin user to get the information about all the users using the application

Example 1 (Admin success)

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "success",
    "result": 4,
    "requestedAt": "2022-01-16T14:44:58.323Z",
    "data": {
        "users": [
                "_id": "61e18cafaf3af2265e653be5",
                "name": "Student User",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "yearOfAdmission": 2019,
                "courseYear": "TY",
                "currentStatus": "Student",
                "role": "Student",
                "questionsAsked": [],
                "questionsAnswered": 2,
                "password": "$2a$04$kzpaXwihpuvL2FV5YjMHe.gJAMVA5VVEVcyqGHYnJtPpDLRy41ndy",
                "active": "true",
                "about": "I am a Computer Engineering Student"

Example 2 (Regular user failure)

An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "fail",
    "message": "You do not have permission to perform this action"

🚩 5. GET /api/v1/users/me

This routes helps the logged in user to get information about self


An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "success",
    "requestedAt": "2022-01-16T14:46:38.984Z",
    "data": {
        "user": {
            "_id": "61e18cafaf3af2265e653be5",
            "name": "Student User",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "yearOfAdmission": 2019,
            "courseYear": "TY",
            "currentStatus": "Student",
            "role": "Student",
            "questionsAsked": [],
            "questionsAnswered": 2,
            "password": "$2a$04$kzpaXwihpuvL2FV5YjMHe.gJAMVA5VVEVcyqGHYnJtPpDLRy41ndy",
            "active": "true",
            "__v": 0,
            "about": "I am a Computer Engineering Student"

🚩 6. PATCH /api/v1/users/updateMe

This routes helps the logged in user to update the information about self


An ideal request will look like

req.body πŸ‘‡

    "about": "I am a Test Computer Engineering Student"

And ideal response will look like

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "user": {
            "_id": "61e42f397d95535e6005f349",
            "name": "Test User",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "yearOfAdmission": 2017,
            "courseYear": "Prof",
            "currentStatus": "Professor",
            "role": "Student",
            "questionsAsked": [],
            "questionsAnswered": 0,
            "password": "$2a$04$WZeORcAk6Bxj.gcs4PqfTeBLUzJiCgkGHgmNWS16d8nyuSvt81XsS",
            "active": "true",
            "__v": 0,
            "about": "I am a Test Computer Engineering Student"

🚩 7. DELETE /api/v1/users/deleteMe

This routes helps the logged in user to delete/deactivate their account


An ideal request will look like

And ideal response will look like


πŸ™Œ Want to contribute?

If you would like to contribute to this api please go ahead and read COC and Contributing Guideline. Once you read through them agree to policies of this question go ahead with question setup & Contribution steps below


  1. NodeJs installed in local environment.
  2. Git installed in local environment.
  3. GitHub account.
  4. Knowledge of ReactJS, Material UI, NodeJS, MongoDB

Project setup & Contribution steps

  1. Fork the question
    forking the question

  2. Once you are in your fork the url should look something like

  3. Go to preferred folder in your computer and paste the following command (Only one of it if you don’t have ssh setup then go with HTTP command)

    • HTTP
      git clone https://github.com/<YOUR-USERNAME>/quora-for-college.git
    • SSH
      git clone [email protected]:<YOUR-USERNAME>/quora-for-college.git
  4. Now enter the folder by running the following command
    cd quora-for-college/server

  5. Now you are in the /server folder

  6. Now do ahead and create a new branch and move to the branch
    git checkout -b fix-issue-<ISSUE-NUMBER>

  7. Now run npm i and once it’s done do your fixes and changes.

  8. After done you can now push this changes. for doing that follow the following command chain

    • git status (Shows the changed files)
    • git add . (Will add all the files to staging area)
    • git commit -m "feat/docs/fix: :emoji-name: <EXPLAIN-YOUR_CHANGES>"
    • git push origin fix-issue-<ISSUE-NUMBER>
  9. After this go to your forked GitHub repository and go to Pull Request section. Now you might be able to see a pop up saying Pull Request. Click on the popup and you will be redirected to pull request page

  10. Now fill in the form template of the pull request

  11. Click on Submit

  12. Hurray! You just did your contribution to this question πŸŽ‰