r logging

R port of the popular log4j logging module

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R port of the popular Python logging package.

It implements hierarchical logging, multiple handlers at a single logger, formattable log records…

What you find here behaves similarly to what you also find in Python’s standard logging module.

Far from being comparable to a Python standard module, this tiny logging module does include

  • hierarchic loggers,

  • multiple handlers at each logger,

  • the possibility to specify a formatter for each handler (one default formatter is given),

  • same levels (names and numeric values) as Python’s logging package,

  • a simple basicConfig function to quickly put yourself in a usable situation…

  • some sample handlers, sending log records

  • to the console,

  • to a file

for more information, have a look at the [online tutorial] (http://logging.r-forge.r-project.org/sample_session.php)
on [r-forge] (http://r-forge.r-project.org/).


Simply call
