Template generator for Ruby on Rails 3 applications
h1. Rails Templater
Rails Templater is a gem which generates new Ruby on Rails 3 applications the way you want them. Based on your choices, Rails Templater will create an application configured correctly. For example, if you select Mongoid for an ODM and RSpec for your testing framework, Rails Templater will generate all necessary hooks to handle dropping your collections from MongoDB. The project was inspired by ffmike’s “BigOldRailsTemplate”:http://github.com/ffmike/BigOldRailsTemplate Rails 2 template project.
h2. Install
@gem install rails_templater@
h2. Usage
At the command prompt, create a new Rails application using the @templater@ command:
@templater myapp_name@
h2. Generated Application
Rails Templater provides you with the following choices during application generation:
h3. Database
h3. Testing
h4. Matchers (optional)
h4. Fixture Replacement
h4. Integration Testing (optional)
h4. Code Coverage
h3. JavaScript
h3. Template Engine
h3. Sass Extensions (optional)
h2. Note on Patches/Pull Requests