Betfair API-NG implementation in the R programming language
Betfair API-NG implementation in the R programming language
Betafair started out as an exchange for betting in 2000. See - What is Befair?
Is a generated set of R api wrappers which define the specification Developers Specitfications for AccountAPING.xml, SportsAPING.xml, HeartbeatAPING.xml. This allows an R application to talk to betfair exchanges a little clearer by defining validation and parameter wrapping rather than using raw JSON parameters and result sets. But of course you are free to use simple lists and vectors and raw JSON if you wish and samples included should demonstrate some of the flexiblity.
Install using GIT andR CMD build
First open up R and install the package dependancies
p = c("bitops","RCurl","rjson","plyr")
for(x in p)
install.packages(x,repos=c('',''), dependencies = T)
Clone the repository and install
git clone
R CMD INSTALL rbetfair
before you can use rbetfair then you will need a user account(username,password), application token for login() and setup a certificate file if you want to use ssologin. Please refer to these instructions carefully in the section Getting Started with API-NG
Once the login details are complete can now use rbetfair
# If you are using login() and want to avoid any kind of ssl.verification then set the
# environment varible .BetfairEnv$sslverify like below
# .BetfairEnv$sslverify<-FALSE
# Example is for horse racing using pure R interface
eventTypes<-r.listEventTypes(filter=MarketFilter(textQuery="Horse Racing"))
> horseRacingTypeId
[1] "7"
> # Get the description of the first market using the catalogue
> # Uses R and types checking
> firstRace<-r.listMarketCatalogue(
+ filter=MarketFilter(eventTypeIds=SetOfEventTypeId(horseRacingTypeId),
+ marketCountries=SetOfCountryCode(countryCode),
+ marketTypeCodes=SetOfMarketType("WIN"),
+ marketStartTime=TimeRange(from=format(Sys.Date(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))),
+ marketProjection=SetOfMarketProjection('RUNNER_DESCRIPTION','MARKET_START_TIME'),
+ sort=MarketSort("FIRST_TO_START"),
+ maxResults=1
+ )
> # First race market id
> marketId<-firstRace$result[[1]]$marketId
> projection<-PriceProjection(priceData=SetOfPriceData("EX_BEST_OFFERS"),
+ virtualise=FALSE,
+ exBestOffersOverrides=ExBestOffersOverrides(bestPricesDepth=2L,
+ rollupModel=RollupModel("STAKE"),
+ rollupLimit=20L),
+ rolloverStakes=FALSE)
> # Get all the runners/prices book for this market
> # According to the projections
> # This output is in data.frame formatted result
> runnersPriceInFirstRace<-listMarketBook(
+ marketIds=ListOfMarketId(marketId),
+ priceProjection=projection,
+ orderProjection=OrderProjection("ALL"),
+ matchProjection=MatchProjection("ROLLED_UP_BY_PRICE")
+ )
> # First runner in first race prices
> runnersPriceInFirstRace
marketId isMarketDataDelayed status betDelay bspReconciled complete inplay numberOfWinners numberOfRunners
1 1.115890249 FALSE OPEN 0 FALSE TRUE FALSE 1 5
numberOfActiveRunners lastMatchTime totalMatched totalAvailable crossMatching runnersVoidable version
1 5 2014-10-12T13:28:55.904Z 293634.3 145921.6 TRUE FALSE 839505678
selectionId handicap status adjustmentFactor lastPriceTraded totalMatched marketId
1 8850778 0 ACTIVE 51.9 1.82 212755.79 1.115890249
2 8715880 0 ACTIVE 22.7 4.90 41887.00 1.115890249
3 8692943 0 ACTIVE 14.8 7.20 24400.79 1.115890249
4 8460412 0 ACTIVE 5.9 19.00 5295.09 1.115890249
5 8861767 0 ACTIVE 4.5 18.50 9295.58 1.115890249
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
price size marketId selectionId
1 1.82 5197.52 1.115890249 8850778
2 1.81 3571.37 1.115890249 8850778
3 4.80 812.61 1.115890249 8715880
4 4.70 458.68 1.115890249 8715880
5 7.00 608.73 1.115890249 8692943
6 6.80 236.00 1.115890249 8692943
7 18.50 286.78 1.115890249 8460412
8 18.00 155.63 1.115890249 8460412
9 18.00 49.85 1.115890249 8861767
10 17.50 123.08 1.115890249 8861767
price size marketId selectionId
1 1.83 1903.75 1.115890249 8850778
2 1.84 1174.08 1.115890249 8850778
3 4.90 477.20 1.115890249 8715880
4 5.00 425.68 1.115890249 8715880
5 7.20 162.98 1.115890249 8692943
6 7.40 1871.18 1.115890249 8692943
7 19.00 432.54 1.115890249 8460412
8 19.50 97.97 1.115890249 8460412
9 18.50 107.34 1.115890249 8861767
10 19.00 145.44 1.115890249 8861767
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
# Don't forget to