Package: The R Code Optimizer

output: github_document

rco - The R Code Optimizer

CRAN status
Lifecycle: stable
Travis build status
AppVeyor build status
Coverage status

Make your R code run faster!
rco analyzes your code and applies different optimization strategies that return an R code that runs faster.

The rco project, from its start to version 1.0.0, was made possible by a Google Summer of Code 2019 project.

Thanks to the kind mentorship of Dr. Yihui Xie and Dr. Nicolás Wolovick.

site_url <- ""


Install the current released version of rco from CRAN:


Or install the development version from GitHub:

if (!require("remotes")) {
remotes::install_github("jcrodriguez1989/rco", dependencies = TRUE)


rco can be used in three ways:

  • Using the RStudio Addins

    1. Optimize active file: Optimizes the file currently open in RStudio. It will apply the optimizers present in all_optimizers.

    2. Optimize selection: Optimizes the code currently highlited in the RStudio Source Pane. It will apply the optimizers present in all_optimizers.

  • Using the shiny GUIs

    1. rco_gui("code_optimizer") opens a shiny interface in a browser. This GUI allows to easily optimize chunks of code.

    2. rco_gui("pkg_optimizer") opens a shiny interface in a browser. This GUI allows to easily optimize R packages that are hosted at CRAN or GitHub.

  • Using the R functions

    1. Optimize some .R code files
    optimize_files(c("file_to_optimize_1.R", "file_to_optimize_2.R"))
    1. Optimize some code in a character vector
    code <- paste(
      "code_to_optimize <- 8 ^ 8 * 1918",
      "cto <- code_to_optimize * 2",
      sep = "\n"
    1. Optimize all .R code files into a folder
    optimize_folder("~/myfolder_to_optimize", recursive = FALSE)


Suppose we have the following code:

code <- paste(
  "# I want to know my age in seconds!",
  "years_old <- 29",
  "days_old <- 365 * years_old # leap years don't exist",
  "hours_old <- 24 * days_old",
  "seconds_old <- 60 * 60 * hours_old",
  "if (seconds_old > 10e6) {",
  '  print("Whoa! More than a million seconds old, what a wise man!")',
  "} else {",
  '  print("Meh!")',
  sep = "\n"

We can automatically optimize it by doing:

opt_code <- optimize_text(code, iterations = 1)

After one optimization pass we can see that it has only propagated the years_old variable. Another pass:

opt_code <- optimize_text(opt_code, iterations = 1)

Now, it has folded the days_old variable, and then propagated it. Another pass:

opt_code <- optimize_text(opt_code, iterations = 1)

It has folded the hours_old variable, and then propagated it. Another pass:

opt_code <- optimize_text(opt_code, iterations = 1)

It has folded the seconds_old variable, and then propagated it into the if condition. Another pass:

opt_code <- optimize_text(opt_code, iterations = 1)

Now, it has folded the if condition, and as it was TRUE it just kept its body, as testing the condition or the else clause were dead code.
So, optimize_text function has automatically detected constant variables, constant foldable operations, and dead code. And returned an optimized R code.

Guidelines for contributing

rco is an open source package, and the contributions to the development of the library are more than welcome. Please see our [](r paste0(site_url, ".github/")) file and “Contributing an Optimizer” article for detailed guidelines of how to contribute.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the ‘rco’ project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](r paste0(site_url, "")).

By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.