react redux sound organizer

Organizer for sound clips and music ideas

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


Rails version 5.2.1

App for uploading quick sounds or ideas for musicians and artists.


Start your PostreSQL server, then start the application with “rake start” in your terminal, navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser, use the nav links to see, comment on and delete current sounds, or the form to add a new sound.


  1. Enter “git clone [email protected]:coryjbergquist/react-redux-sound-organizer.git” into your terminal while in your desired directory.
  2. Navigate to the newly cloned directory.
  3. Run “bundle install” to install all gems.
  4. Run “npm install” in the client directory to install packages.
    4a. if you don’t have the latest version on Node, visit this site to download and install:
  5. Start your Postgres server.
  6. Run “rake start” to start the front end and back end servers.
  7. View current sounds and add sounds by clicking the “Sounds” or “Add Sound” links.


This project has been licensed under the MIT open source license: